
Showing posts with the label choices

I Didn’t Want to Leave Zarahemla

                Throughout my blog I have created various posts about my personality, growth, and my gratitude toward the “Come Follow Me” program.  Last week Bro. Wilcox shared a lesson on “Not Leaving Zarahemla”           Metaphorically that is where I raised.   I had heard about the outside world but had no desire to be out there among the wolves.   I feel blessed that so much of what others view as temptations were not tempting.   I never wanted to do drugs, smoke, attend parties, or what have you.   I was safe in Zarahemla.   That is where I wanted to be.           I understand the need for some to leave Zarahemla in order to grow.   Unfortunately, due to poor choices, there are hardships that need to be endured.   It involves a lot of pain – not ...

CBQ#205& 630

  When you need to confront someone, would you rather communicate in person, on the phone, e-mail or letter? In what situation do you find yourself “ walking on eggshells ” ?        I would rather confront someone in person but is not always possible.  Often words aren ’ t read the way they are intended or said verbally. Recently I had (well still in the process) a confrontation with my oldest son who constantly gives off verbal vibes that he would like to take his life in a new direction. I know he isn ’ t happy about his current situation but only seems to TALK about change rather than ACTING upon changing.  He reads my advice in a different way than I am telling him – though I don ’ t imagine talking with him in person would help out our situation.  He doesn ’ t bother to follow any council that Richard and I have given him or will continue to give him. He had said that he wanted to move to Oregon.   His wife believes that they can ob...

Triggers From Stake Conference

  I remember going to youth conference and taking notes – one or two words at a time.   When I would return to the dorms I would pull out my notes and elaborate on what I remembered based on the words.   I don’t remember things as well anymore and often the words I’ve written don’t ever get made into a sentence or paragraph.   The Roseburg Stake has always had its stake conference two weeks after General Conference. General Conference is great as each talk is recorded and I can return to read or listen, but Stake Conference is not recorded. I have gotten so much out of the virtual conferences rather than in person sitting on hard chairs in a room very far away from the podium.   Each year I have wished the recording would have been available longer than just watching it live.   This year was especially awesome. Only last night’s adult session and the general meeting today were broadcast.   The leadership meeting had to be attended in person and wea...

Big Brother is Watching

             Quite recently my brother became a target of what one may have considered a funny prank.   Something had landed on his head.   Something gross.   It had been delivered intentionally.   He had a nagging feeling to share with his manager what   had taken place figuring that nothing could be done.   He’d forgotten about the video cameras that surrounded the area.             Security was called and the culprit was caught.   The culprit had known he was wrong for his act of disgust.   Before he “delivered” his “gift” he had looked around to make certain that no one was watching.   Evidently he had no taken the cameras into consideration either.   Corey had the option to press charges but declined and never met his offender.   His boss had given him the option of going home to recuperate – which he did eventually.    ...

Running Out of Options . . . Best Stay Put

                  After my eldest son ’ s wife passed away he was given options on how to continue.  An aunt from his mother ’ s side had offered for him to come live with them on the farm in Freedom, Wyoming.  His in-laws offered to allow him to continue living with them.  Of course Roland offered for him to move to Oregon.  I don ’ t know what it was that kept him in Utah.  I personally thought Freedom would have been the best choice.  Ali would have gotten to know cousins on the Warner side of the family.  Biff told me that she loved cows (that was when she was two – I have no idea what her interests are at present - wolves?) and she would have had the opportunity to interact with them and learn the ways of dairy farming.          Eventually Biff met Claire and thus stayed in Utah for her.   They finally got married.   She had fallen in love with both B...

What Sabbath?

Evelyn had called last night to make arrangements for Jenna and her friend to meet at the gate instead of driving through onto her property.   Roland seemed weirded out as he asked why I would allow her to work on the Sabbath.   We’re in quarantine.   As with so many others, I have lost track of the days.   Jenna has rather enjoyed not having to go to young women each week as she has little in common with the rest of the girls.   It’s usually a chore just being there as she often feels out of place.   I fully relate.   I didn’t feel like I ever fit in with the young women either – not as a youth.   Certainly not as a leader. Each individual has his or her own interpretation of what accounts for keeping the Sabbath day holy. For me, it is making an effort to make it more special than any other day.   When I was a youth, it was playing games with family, visiting grandma, taking Sunday drives on occasion. Wonderful World of Disney was on ...

Decisions and Ripple Effects

          How many of our decisions affect others?   Choosing to have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich over tuna fish may not have any kind of a ripple effect as making a choice to drive or walk toward oncoming traffic.             Yesterday morning Balras Sing Dhillon had stopped his car just outside of Myrtle Creek.   Whether it was a conscience decision or not is unknown.   Police received a call about a vehicle stopped in the northbound left lane of the interstate approximately six in the morning and went to investigate. When they approached the vehicle, the driver took off.   The driver continued for another mile before crashing into the medium.   He must have climbed over the medium after he abandoned his car.   Was he running from the police?   Was he so disoriented that he didn’t know what he was doing?   I believe the latter as...

Once Upon a Time spoilers and metaphors

             For those who enjoy watching the abc series "Once Upon a Time" and have not yet seen season seven, you may want to return to this post later as I am about to reveal many spoilers. Thus far season 7 is actually my favorite.   I must admit that I did quite a bit of skipping around with seasons 3-6, reading the synopsis of each episode.   Season 7 has peaked my curiosity.   I also like the story of Cinderella better than the entire Snow White ordeal.   I also like looking at fairytales from other perspectives.             Season Seven starts out with Henry saying good-bye to Regina.   He tosses a magic bean onto the ground and drives his motorcycle through the portal into the enchanted forest. Next thing we see, Henry is a grown man.   He has his adventures and chooses to live in the enchanted forest - for at least a decade, I assume.   Another cur...