
Showing posts with the label route

Laundry and Electric Communication

 We left the hotel just after 4:00 a.m. on Saturday.  Jaime likes getting breakfast at Denny's and so we went there for food.  Richard and I don't care for Denny's and were each disappointed with our meal - though we had not expected much to begin with. I would rather have McDonald's than Denny's. Jaime said it could be our last time for going to Denny's.   We drove by way of Boise.  Though we hit almost every rest stop between Salt Lake and Myrtle Creek we seemed to make good timing.  I think it was after 5:00 when we drove passed the sign that indicated we were in Douglas County, but then it took another two hours before we arrived in Roseburg. (I have mentioned how incredibly large our county is) We could see the smoke before we arrived in Glide. For the most part I don’t check my facebook or email while on vacation.   I’m on vacation.   This is how things looked when I returned   Before our backroom was built Richard had hung two...

Greyhound: Never Doing That Again

                 You think I may have learned from my last Greyhound excursion ( here ) that it wasn’t that great of an experience from Portland to Salt Lake.  But I decided to give them another shot.  I thought it might be a fun experience for Jaime to try.  It would be the first time I brought my own companion on the bus. I had never done that before.            I had purchased the tickets online. I decided the word “Flixbus” means “small”.   Searching the internet further leads me to believe it is the Flixbus that is the coach bus (with more leg room offered than on airlines) and the Greyhound is a petite upgrade from school bus. I have ridden coach buses before and I have ridden school buses.   The bus from Portland to Salt Lake was closer to school bus as far as the amount of space for passengers.   It was definitely smaller than three of the buses Jaime and I took to get to Sal...

Tony’s Family Vacation part 2

                Wednesday was a more relaxing day as the only driving was on the part of Tony who had loaded up the car and came on down to spend with us.  I had washed three loads of clothes before they got here and I think they ended up doing four.           We played or started many games.   I think there were more games we hadn’t finished then there were those we finished.   Richard made fish for our lunch and decorated cupcakes with the kids.   I think Tony and family left shortly after 7:00 and decided to head toward Medford in order to see the temple.   They said they returned to Roseburg after 11:00. Yesterday required more driving as we went to the Wildlife Safari. It seems each time I have gone to the park there seems to be less number of animals than the last time I was there.   We did see a group of staff members watching a cheetah in the parking lot.  ...