Tony’s Family Vacation part 2

               Wednesday was a more relaxing day as the only driving was on the part of Tony who had loaded up the car and came on down to spend with us.  I had washed three loads of clothes before they got here and I think they ended up doing four.

          We played or started many games.  I think there were more games we hadn’t finished then there were those we finished.  Richard made fish for our lunch and decorated cupcakes with the kids.  I think Tony and family left shortly after 7:00 and decided to head toward Medford in order to see the temple.  They said they returned to Roseburg after 11:00.

Yesterday required more driving as we went to the Wildlife Safari. It seems each time I have gone to the park there seems to be less number of animals than the last time I was there.  We did see a group of staff members watching a cheetah in the parking lot.  That was cool.  Also was quite entertained at watching two emus in a heated chase.  Tony said that if he lived here he would be going to the Safari at least once a week.

The three year old drifted off as we were driving away and was sound asleep when we stopped our cars to feed the animals – mostly the deer and rheas.  Tony felt bad that Oliver was missing out on the feeding, but we did take the gang to Stewart Park afterward to feed the ducks and geese and Oliver was awake for that.

Once again, Rochelle and I felt warn out by the end of the day and rested on the couch while the kids watched Toy Story Three.   We played more games and ate Hawaiian Haystacks.  Between eight and nine we said our good-byes.  They are going home a different route than their coming.


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