
Showing posts with the label cords

2020 -2021 School Year Does Not Count

            Cords are normally reserved for three and four year accomplishments – but there were many who received for just two and were credited for three.   Though Jai was credited for four we both know that she was only there in spirit during her junior year.   She did not attend a brick and mortar school in her junior year but was online with a charter school in a different district, different county.   And yet she received cords in both music and drama for her four year participation.   If she had pursuit her instrument in band, she could have received cords for that as well.      She could not take drama and choir that first year as they were at the same time. S he wasn't able to sign up for an "all electives" year until this year.  It kind of makes me wonder how students receive many multiple colors when the electives option would have seemed limited in their lives just as much. Again, last year didn't count as...