
Showing posts with the label muppets

Christmas Eve

          When Carrie and Randy’s gift arrived at our house, Jenna decided it would be the first one which would be opened.  We played a game of Monopoly though there’s at least 20 games in our possession that I’d rather play.  After I lost and Jenna forfeited out of boredom, we turned on the Muppet Christmas Carol though we really don’t have a great copy.  I fell asleep while it played.   We had planned to open our first gift on Christmas Eve after we watched “It’s A Wonderful Life ” but since I had fallen asleep during Muppets, Jenna decided to open the gift before  “It’s A Wonderful Life” started.  It was a game!  Because of the time, we decided we would play in the morning instead of right then.  Jenna decided to go to bed after only an hour into the movie. Between 9:30 and 10:00 last night Roland retrieved the presents from my closet.  I spread the gifts beneath the tree....

Big Bird Made Me Cry

I have been trying to organize my thoughts on this post and continue to be interrupted.  I do not have permission for the pictures that I use and will remove them at the artist requests.  I will continue to keep the links on where the pictures come from so that they may still be viewed.                 When I was in my teens I remember many   people trying their hand at doing impersonations of different characters - the most popular being Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Kermit the Frog.   I didn't view it as a talent would take anyone anywhere.   Boy, was I wrong.   Fast Forward to being a mom.   Jenna and I had been watching an episode that Sesame Street had re-aired after Hurricane Katrina as the cast had experienced a similar disaster and perhaps children could better deal knowing that Big Bird had experienced the same trauma.   It wasn't until I had watched the docum...