Christmas Eve
When Carrie
and Randy’s gift arrived at our house, Jenna decided it would be the first one
which would be opened. We played a game of Monopoly though there’s at
least 20 games in our possession that I’d rather play. After I lost and
Jenna forfeited out of boredom, we turned on the Muppet Christmas Carol though
we really don’t have a great copy. I fell asleep while it played.
We had planned to open our first gift on
Christmas Eve after we watched “It’s A Wonderful Life” but since I had fallen asleep during Muppets, Jenna
decided to open the gift before “It’s A Wonderful Life” started. It
was a game!
Because of the time, we decided we would play in the morning
instead of right then.
Jenna decided to go to bed after only an
hour into the movie. Between 9:30 and 10:00 last night Roland retrieved the
presents from my closet. I spread the gifts beneath the tree. We
filled the stockings and finished with the movie. When “It’s A Wonderful Life”
ended, I went into the bedroom, though I don’t remember Roland coming into the
room until possibly an hour later. I don’t know why. When he did get into the bedroom, he read a bit before turning off the light. At midnight Jenna opened her door and asked if it was time to open presents. She gets very excited. I think she must have left her room shortly after that as I noticed there were more gifts placed beneath the tree and in our socks. I love it when my children get into the Christmas spirit and each attempt to play Santa themselves.
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