Crazy Dreams
I haven't been sleeping well and I
somehow seem to remember more detail about my dreams - though I don't fully
understand why I would dream them.
The house across the street really is for
sale. Earlier this month I had a dream
that my sister-in-law's sister moved in with her daughter and that Jenna and
Alex became really good friends. I knew
that Deb would need a job and remembered that they are always looking for
teachers but then remember Deb had not gone into teaching but had gone to
beauty school and helped her to get a job at a local salon. I have no idea why I dreamed it.
The dream I had this morning made more
sense - except for one part. But I could understand why I had dreamed it as
Biff and his living situation has been on my mind and I had just recently looked at photos that his girlfriend had
I was having lunch with his girlfriend
Clarissa and a friend from her photos - I'm guessing her sister. I asked Clarissa
to tell me more about how she and Biff had gotten together, and she proceeded
to rip some pages out of a booklet or magazine that apparently went into more
detail about their relationship, and
then I told her about how Biff and Jeanie had gotten together. It felt strange
to have dreamed both.
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