There Goes Our Disneyland Fund
Our biggest reason for moving to Oregon was so that I could breathe. I didn’t wish for my family members have to listen to me hack out my lungs or gasp for air – and yet this month has seemed to defeat the purpose. Yesterday I spent the majority of the day in the emergency room – first the waiting room and then a small section in another room divided by curtains. I thought Dial-up AOL was the slowest thing ever. They are speed demons next to Urgent Care. And Urgent was five times faster than Emergency. Granted, it was Memorial Day and there was nowhere else to go. Most of the patients there didn’t seem in bad enough shape to require emergency care. I heard three or four of them just chatting away as if they were there to socialize. I clung onto my head so that it wouldn’t roll off or explode. I suspect I was dehydrated as I had left large evidences of my DNS at different Urgent cares that Google had said were open...