There Goes Our Disneyland Fund
Our biggest reason for moving to Oregon was so that I could breathe. I didn’t wish for my family members have to listen to me hack out my lungs or gasp for air – and yet this month has seemed to defeat the purpose. Yesterday I spent the majority of the day in the emergency room – first the waiting room and then a small section in another room divided by curtains. I thought Dial-up AOL was the slowest thing ever. They are speed demons next to Urgent Care. And Urgent was five times faster than Emergency. Granted, it was Memorial Day and there was nowhere else to go. Most of the patients there didn’t seem in bad enough shape to require emergency care. I heard three or four of them just chatting away as if they were there to socialize. I clung onto my head so that it wouldn’t roll off or explode. I suspect I was dehydrated as I had left large evidences of my DNS at different Urgent cares that Google had said were open, but were not. I didn’t realize that it was possible for me to throw up that much when I really hadn’t sent that much down. Half a yogurt. Perhaps a third a bottle of water. My stomach hurt more than my head.
At first, the cool air coming from the ceiling felt really nice. Throwing up really wears me out. I was hot. I was panting. However, I did eventually get cold. Roland offered to go out to the car and get a coat for me. A coat? I don’t have a coat in the car. He brought a jacket that I had never seen before. I asked if it was an early birthday gift. He just smiled. Someone in the ward had given it to him to give to me. I still don’t know if it’s a birthday present or not.
Funny how I was cold and the woman on the other side of the curtain was complaining about how hot she was. It sounded as though she had many of the symptoms I had experienced on Mothers’ Day. I was sweating then. I am usually always hot. It is rare that I get cold. I have been blessed with cool weather to suffer through. Wish I could enjoy it more. It has been the perfect temperature overall. But this month has been extremely painful for me physically. I am starting to get better again. Let’s just hope it sticks this time and doesn’t resort back to something else.
I feel bad that my emergency bill is going to be costly. I think they charge by the hour. I’ve been wanting to take Jenna back to Disneyland for a while now. She would also like to visit Universal. We would also like to take someone who would be willing to go on rides with her as there are many that I can no longer do comfortably.
Should get busy on my discussion and assignment for my class as I have to make the Writing Center part of this week’s assignment. I will need proof. I hate that. So I will write the thing and turn it in ASAP. I’ll submit the assignment but I won’t make an appointment for a live session. Those have been painful experiences. Like I need more pain to deal with right now.
I found a message on my phone from Tony and Ester. They had called to sing “Happy Birthday” – Ester echoed a little “Cha-cha-cha” It made me smile. I shared with Roland and Jenna and they smiled too.
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