
Showing posts with the label setting goals

Another Triggered Memory

          Today in Sacrament meeting one of the speakers talked about reading scriptures as a youth and striving to meet a goal.  It reminded me of Biff ’ s reaction to Pres. Hinckley ’ s challenge in August of 2005 to completely read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year (see here ).  Biff is not the fastest reader in the world as it takes him longer to process information.        I can ’ t remember where in the Book of Mormon he was as December 31 came near its end – but had a ways to go before he would be able to complete.  He seemed to feel somewhat defeated and I suggested that we read the captions of each chapter. With only four hours left until Midnight I read with him from where he left off. We continued reading each caption until we got to the end.   We finished between 11:30 and midnight if I remember correctly.  He was not satisfied and stayed up until wee hours of the morning to complete his...