
Showing posts with the label priorities

Feb 20 Diversity Talk part 3

 Here is the rest of the talk.  No links to provide for this one.  I had heard this example in an institute class I had taken.  Dee Hadley was the one who shared the Good Samaritan/six scenario example.         Another example I have is a true incident that took place on the University of Utah campus.   Students who made their way to the institute building may have passed one of six scenarios – for example, there was a crying youth who ’ d been riding his bike but had stopped because the chain had come off and was looking for someone to assist with putting it back on. There was an older gentleman walking out of the library with a stack of books in hand – which he dropped.   There was a woman who tripped and fell.   The students on their way to the institute building were having a test and their instructor had told them not to be late.   When it was time for class to start he shut the door and turned to the student...

That was a Painful Week

          As I mentioned in my last post, I am up to two classes again. In one accounting class I am required to used QuickBooks online.   The other feels like a refresher course - though I think I'd get more out of it if I had the same instructor that I had for 101 and 102.               My payroll instructor wasn't exactly monotone, but his voice did seem unenthusiastic for the most part - as though he'd rather be sitting in a dentist chair getting his teeth drilled than having to teach a class.   One instructor that I have is at the other extreme - trying to compensate for the less-than-exciting material by being "overly" enthusiastic.   I almost feels like I am taking a class taught by my brother-in-law.             The instructor I like listening   to the most is the one I have for QuickBooks. ...