
Showing posts with the label communication

A Letter From the Kids!

                Lately our daily treck out to the mailbox has been a waste of time.  I thought it might be beneficial to have a trash can out there.  That way we could remove contents from mailbox and dump immediately.  Yesterday ’ s experience was a rather pleasant one.  There was only one piece but I can honestly say I was more excited about the envelope that lay within than I have about any contents this year – perhaps in our entire lives while living in this particular house.         At first I thought it was a return of one of Richard ’ s cards, but when I examined the address I realized that it was an envelope I had mailed to Tony ’ s family after they had returned from their visit back in June.   A sock had been left behind and since I was sending it back, I had included a SASE and am so ecstatic for the reply. the stamp was never cancelled so we don't even know when it was...


  If you could talk with only one person for the rest of your life, who would it be and why? I would pick my brother, Steven, though I am certain I would not be his first choice.   Steven is not only knowledgeable in a wide variety of subjects, but we share so many of the same memories and feelings and values.   I miss him on so many levels.   I miss talking with him on a daily basis.   I miss his insight that was more instantaneous in person than now.   I miss his ability to understand me when it feels like nobody else does (husband included).   He ’ s my youngest brother and has been there for me for most of my adult life.   (We did have a falling out for a couple of years – but we ’ re good now) Talking with only one person would be hard however.  I would miss Jaime's voice and singing.  I would miss other friends as well.  I am happy that I don't ...

Lead By Example – Follow Up to the last post

 I meant to have this posted on Friday but was unable to process all of my thoughts until now:                I think it was in August when Roland applied for the management position at the jewelry store.  They were down to two candidates but had decided to go with the one who was more familiar with the product.  Not a great call in my opinion – but I am just getting the information second hand.  I ’ ve never actually met the woman – but this is an illustration of what makes a leadership vs. management that I had mentioned in this post .         Not her real name, but I shall call her Karen – the name that seemed to get a bad rap during 2020.  She knows product.  Roland knows people.  I do like a salesman that can tell me the pros and cons of certain products – electronics for example.  It is important – but I think knowing people is more important.  Not just cust...

Don’t Jump to Conclusions but Give the Benefit of the Doubt

           The “Come Follow Me” lesson for last week was sections 64 – 66.   The theme for section 66 is on forgiveness.   It made me reflect back to the talk given in sacrament on the day my family arrived.   I believe he said he had based it on Elder Bednar’s talk from the October 2006 General Conference here .             The message of the talk was to not take offense.   There are many of us who take offence due to the actions or words used by others – or so we suspect.   But perhaps the “offender” is not even aware that we were offended. It’s not likely that the “offender” had gone out of his or her way to offend us but more likely that we misinterpreted.           I have shared these two examples here and here in which I was the offender.   It reminded me of this skit         ...

Read the Directions Several Times

           As a student, for me personally, it was always easier to receive verbal directions than written ones.   I would do the research for whatever class I had online and discover the assignment was very different from my interpretation of what I thought I had read.   So often I would have to change my sense of direction – sometimes resulting in starting from scratch.   I’m finding the same is true with some of the students who are used to being in public school but are online currently due to the pandemic.           On of my daughter’s friends asked if she could come and film herself performing CPR on Jenna.   That is NOT social distancing.   Jenna does not have that same assignment as she is not currently taking the required health class that her friend has on her schedule.   Her friend seemed certain that she would have to practice on another person – which for me sounde...

Coming to an End

                My communications class ends tomorrow.   I need to post my written speech, revised speech, where it went, etc.   I have been able to compare the subject of my assignments to writing the assignments (and presenting one in recording) for the class itself.   I’m sure it will make more sense once I get around to posting either tomorrow or Monday.   Monday seems more likely.   So sorry to keep ya’ll in suspense . . .

Falling Into Place

            It's uncanny how much of my life or programs will fall into my path during courses I am taking, and I can use those experiences or episodes to tie into school discussions or assignments.  Take this week for example.  I have just started a class in communications and public speaking.  It started on Monday.  It was the same day that at least one of the elementary schools in our area had a fire drill.  I know this because I was there.             Yesterday the fire alarm went off again. Word came over the walkie-talkies that "Everyone needs to be out of the building. This is NOT a drill."  Some of the students heard that, but not everyone did.  The drill took place during class.  The more serious threat was during lunches.  The children were safe.  I suspected that the fire was not a major fire but more of a trash-fire although I had no way...

A Week Without Posts

          I think I have mentioned both Roland and Jenna have had some nasty colds, but I seemed fine until Saturday - the 10th.   I had gone to the church as the presidency were holding interviews for those who are visiting teachers.   I could feel a sore throat coming on.   Even when I agreed to teach Relief Society only eight days later.           I went to church on Sunday, the 11th.   I did not stay for choir because I didn't want to strain my throat.   Last week I did a lot of napping (cough medicine knocks me out) and preparing for both primary and RS lessons.   I also participated in a class discussion on a topic that I didn't fully understand.   I took the assessment (midterm) and apparently turned in my discussion notes instead of the assignment.   Brilliant.           My lesson for the Reli...

Don't Recall Ever Having Used a Charter Before

            Currently I am taking two classes through the University and one for the library.  All three are online.  Currently two have to do with project charters.             I hadn't made the connection of the Grants Magic class being related to any of my schooling courses until after I contributed my thoughts to the discussion of my other charter class.  We were supposed to come up with a scenario in a situation gone wrong and how more productive it would have been to use a charter.  I had read some material and looked at countless videos and was still at a loss.  I sent a few links over to my husband and asked him to please review and dummy it down for me.   How would I possibly be able to explain how a charter would work for me if I haven't ever remembered using one before.              Roland ...

To Be Independent or Part of the System

            I went to my first   Library Futures Task Force meeting - only it isn't called that anymore.   The meeting was referred to as Douglas County Library Rescue Coalition .   About 100 people (I thought it had been more) attended the meeting in Winston last Thursday (August 17).   I think most were volunteers, some onlookers and concerned citizens, some who would like the libraries to continue to operate just as   they had before, some there for support, some there to share newfound growth and remain independent ; cooperative but not restricted . . .             Mary Kay - who represents the state - was there to raise awareness and provide options for those who needed or wanted the support.   The libraries who seem to be most successful would like to share materials but not guidance that feels mandatory.   Most representatives expressed that they are doing fi...

Where My Discussion Post Ends and My Blog Post Begins

          When I was in my twelvth mod, I had two classes.   I would try to attend the live lecture of each class.   I think I had attended all four lectures in my algebra class - perhaps only three.   Fortunately there was no problem with the hook-up system (the school uses a program called Zoom) but the instructor in my management class would always have a problem with the system cutting out or recording only audio or video, but not both.   It generally happened whenever she played a video in addition to her lecture.   I told her to stop showing videos and just send us the links.   I don't know if it would have made any difference.           Last mod I also had two classes - two accounting classes.   I still don't understand the language, but I actually did well in both classes.   That is amazing considering what torture it was trying to get into a live lecture or (in mos...