Our Refrigerator Box-Sized Shower
When we first looked at our house, I was thrilled with the large tub in the master bedroom. Evidently I had not even looked at the shower. The shower in my mom's house was made of pink tiles. There was a 4 to 5 inch lip that we could step over to be in the shower. After daddy had his strokes, we put a plastic chair in the shower and invested in a shower hose. The hose split shortly after he had passed. It hadn't seemed like a great investment. Because I can't always make the time for the luxuries of a bath (not to mention the many gallons of water) I have taken more showers. For a while I was using the shower in Jenna's bathroom. Her tub is more shallow than the master bath, but there is definitely more floor room in the tub than there is in the master shower. ...