
Showing posts with the label integrity

Deflation, Deception & Painful Reality Check

                I have been feeling overwhelmed with emotion since last Friday afternoon when Roland came outside to "let me know what's going on."                  I didn't think I would ever see the day when Roland would be angry with Randy or not believe him.   My youngest son has always been a storyteller.   It started out as a form of entertainment, but gradually became a method of deception, and if he gets caught in the lie, will try to mask it with "Oh, I was just joking."               It has gotten old.                 Most everyone in the family had stopped trusting anything that came out of Randy's mouth.   Oh, he's got charm, charisma, so many likable qualities really, but also the gift of gab t...

Opening a Facebook Account for Jenna

            I have noticed with each passing year, Jenna has had friends or acquaintances join Facebook – which has an age restriction – and I know for a fact that they are all younger than required age.               There have been some who've asked for her email address and we have given out mine, as Jenna does not have one.   She did have one through the school, but has forgotten it.   But I don’t imagine she could start a facebook account with a school email address anyway.               I could pay 50 cents to start an email account for her – or lie about her age – which evidently is what most of her friends or acquaintances (or their parents) have done.   How important is it for her to have this that we need to lie about it?   Thus she still isn’t on facebook.   ...

Posts that Inspire

          Recently I was googling Individual Worth in search for a proper definition to use in one of my posts.  As I went searching I pulled up a few blog sites with inspiring stories which I would like to share and reference.           I came across an object lesson given by Stephanie Waite in which she laid out various belongings on a table and asked her class what each object was worth and what made them valuable.  Some of the objects were perhaps expensive things and some objects may have been more valuable to one than to another.  But the particular object that may have seemed worthless to most individuals was probably the most valuable thing on the table in the eyes of its initial owner.           It actually reminded me of an object that is close to Jenna – a stuffed dog she’s had since she was 6 months old – though the...