
Showing posts with the label subbing

Holidays and Brain Out

          Valentines Day is a non-Federal holiday full of traditions and legends which may or may not be true.   There were at least two, perhaps three, patron saints who bore the name St. Valentine.   Their lives ended in tragic massacres; perhaps it was the way they lived that got the Valentine’s celebration started.   There are many websites to choose from when “Valentines” is the subject entered into a search engine such as Google.   I have never been much into the Valentine spirit.   The concept behind Valentine’s Day seems noble enough, but the commercialism is what keeps the holiday alive and I could do without that.  No one gets off of work or school in honor of Valentines.             President’s Day was created in honor of George Washington, first president of the United States.  President’s Day was initiall...

Crosswalk Workout

                It was quite dark yesterday morning even between 7:00 and 7:30.   I was able to drive myself to work yesterday as my shift didn’t start until 8:30 and the elements had lightened by then.   I thought that Roland might have to drive me today as my shift started an hour earlier, and probably would have had him take me in if I hadn’t gone with him at 6:00 this morning when he dropped Jenna off at the church.   The darkest part of the commute was getting out of my neighborhood onto the main drag.               I had given myself 20 minutes for a 6 minute drive and so I had plenty of time.   Yesterday I was in the detention room (or in-school- suspension  as it is called at that particular school) but today I had crosswalk duty which I have only done at that school one time before.     ...

Another Day In the Life

Another restless night and stomach pains What did I eat that made me so sore? I didn’t have anything scheduled for work but checked the availability as I was willing to work at the middle school today. No jobs were posted.   Just as well. I thought perhaps I would sleep for much of the day and then I received a text. I really like working with the aide who text me. If it had been anybody else, I would have said “NO” but I got dressed and scraped my things together.   Roland fixed me a lunch.   And then I was off. The morning drive was in thick fog.   I thought that would mean sun and heat during the day, but it was cold.   All day.   I only had to be outside two times for recess. In each class I’m supposed to help with phonics And letter sounds.   What a confusing language! ONE – a word that rhymes with “sun” or “fun” – where are the phonics? Nobody looks at the “O” and expects a “wwww” sound. What th...

I'd Rather Work Than Wait

          I think Monday might be the best day for subbing in the schools.   It’s right after the weekend.   Some of the aides would like to extend their time off.   The last time I had subbed at Coffenberry, I was asked by another aide if I had picked her shift up for the 16 th .   Unfortunately, I was told to keep that day open as Roland had a doctor’s appointment in the Big City of Roseburg and would be sedated and would need me to drive him home.   I told her I would not be able to do her shift. On Sunday night I received another request – also from Coffenberry.   I would have liked to have said yes.   I had even double-checked with Roland who really would like to see an extra income.   Her name was on the sub list yesterday morning.   I felt bad.   Once again it feels like I am the only sub in the system.   I’m not as I met another in Canyonville.   Still, they are hurting...

To Each His Own

Today is Valentines' Day.   Bah.   I think I was single for so long that I just don't get overly excited about the holiday.   I received Valentines in school.   I would have received less except for it was mandatory to give one to each class mate. I had a two week assignment to fill in for one of the educational aids. Yesterday was supposed to be my last day, but I called in sick. I do feel better today than yesterday.   I wasn't scheduled but do have the opportunity to sub at another school but think I should do with one day of rest as I have been scheduled to work for tomorrow. I listened to the other aides ragging on Valentine's Day and agreed with most of their comments. There was one who had gotten married on Valentine's Day. She and her husband chose that day so that they would not forget their anniversary. It was fun to discover through Jenna's eyes when she was younger, b...

Journal Entry

          Before school was back in session I had accepted two job assignments - one was for yesterday.  I had worked with the person I was replacing, but had never worked in her place.  Meanwhile, I had received a call from an aide at one of the other schools.  In a way I prefer her schedule over the one I had lined up for myself yesterday. She primarily works with the middle schoolers and does not have an assigned recess.  She is there for breakfast duty but doesn't have lunch duty.  I like that.                     After I returned home, I turned on the computer to view at least one missing lecture.   Both had been posted - but once again,   the accounting instructor just read through each slide and problem.   There was no mention of discussion, assignment and so forth.   Like I'm going to purposely s...