
Showing posts with the label Zoom

Technology: Interference and Unlimited

           I don’t know what platform is currently being used by stake.   There have been several complaints coming from our ward but I don’t know if it’s like that for all wards.   Recently three of the wards have been upgraded.   We are among the four that receive not-so-great viewing options.   Last week seemed fine, but we did have lots of interference yesterday.   We also had lots of rain.   So I suppose the weather interfered with – I’m guessing Frontier though I had suspected it had gone out of business as it is awful.           We heard the opening hymn four times intermingled with Mormon Tabernacle Choir who were vibrant and definitely easier to hear.   I had the volume up as loud as it would go.   We heard the opening prayer three times.   Announcements twice.   And the first part of Elder Miller’s talk.   And then it reverted back and I finally t...

How Great the Passion

Last night I booked a tour to tour Winter Quarters this morning.  It wasn ’ t anything like what I had imagined.  Oh, but Elder Anderson shared his testimony through his passion of explaining historic moments through paintings and artifacts.  I think he was a little frustrated that I was not as live as he.  My laptop rarely gets turned on anymore, because it is always such an ordeal as though I am using AOL dialup (that is a reference to old school internet) and overall prefer my PC which does not include camera or microphone and so I have to use the chat box.  Of course my fingers don ’ t fly as quickly as my tongue. I ’ d been introduced to Zoom almost four years ago when I started taking classes online. But I have never used Google Meet until this morning and didn ’ t know where the chat was located.  As I was searching, I inadvertently chose the closed caption and it played as I took screenshots of various pics – none which I might choose to keep if ...

Invitation Answers post 2

          A year in April I had started a class called Sociology of Ageism.   A class that seemed more to do with life than with career choice. It was during this class that I was able to meet one of my favorite instructors that I had during my three years online.   She was really quite animated and did her entire lecture with the camera on.             I had seen other instructors use the camera before the lecture started, but not for the entire lecture.   I don’t know how many students watched the video.   I was the only one present for her live lectures.   I had become familiar with Zoom during those three years at school.   I did not realize that this year it would be an essential for so many.           I’ve had several instructors who cared about their students as well as the subject they were teaching.   I didn’t have many w...

Two Classes and Strobe Lights

Scenario: You are an instructor about to present a lecture that you will need to record anyway.   It is 11:30 mountain time - the time announced to students when live lecture takes place.   You turn on your computer ready to start the meeting and there is no one there to listen to you live question:     Do you start the lecture on time? Do you walk away from your computer and decide to return a few minutes later?   Do you wait half an hour after designated time before you start?   or would you start on time even though there isn't anybody with you at the start? I would hope you would start on time.   five or ten minutes after the designated time, maybe, but not half an hour.    I was late for class, I'll admit that.   Maybe 15 to 20 minutes.   There was somebody else signed on beside the instructor.   Why isn't he talking?   I am late for class.   What am I missing?   How come the sign on sc...

Where My Discussion Post Ends and My Blog Post Begins

          When I was in my twelvth mod, I had two classes.   I would try to attend the live lecture of each class.   I think I had attended all four lectures in my algebra class - perhaps only three.   Fortunately there was no problem with the hook-up system (the school uses a program called Zoom) but the instructor in my management class would always have a problem with the system cutting out or recording only audio or video, but not both.   It generally happened whenever she played a video in addition to her lecture.   I told her to stop showing videos and just send us the links.   I don't know if it would have made any difference.           Last mod I also had two classes - two accounting classes.   I still don't understand the language, but I actually did well in both classes.   That is amazing considering what torture it was trying to get into a live lecture or (in mos...