
Showing posts with the label examples

Let Your Light So Shine

                 Light of the World Calendar suggestion for yesterday was to think of someone who is an example of Christlike service and showcase the example on social media.  For the most part, I think most of the Christlike examples I know would not wish to be showcased on social media.  My dad was such an example who preferred to remain behind the scenes and not have others glorify his acts.  He liked to go about things quietly and remain unnoticed.           I’ve mentioned Josh Norton’s name in a few of my assignments.  He was the lifeguard manager when we first moved to Myrtle Creek.  Last year he became the city recorder.  He doesn’t mind the social media – I don’t think.  Josh is a great guy who is quite the go-getter and has done so much in bringing the community together with activities and showcasing community members.  When he is not ser...

Word: Service

Roland has always told the boys that all businesses consist of product, knowledge or service. Services might include daycare, mowing lawns, yard work, and hotels working as maids, in reservations, waiters, chefs, bellhops, etc. There are also cleaning services and service providers like phone and internet.   Just about every product business has customer service. Service: the action of helping or doing work for someone.       We give service through the church or community.   Some of the service projects we have done through the Church include babysitting, painting, cleaning, and weeding to name a few.   We have also had community service projects that involve sprucing up the park and cleaning up Main Street.   There are community services sponsored by businesses that allow seniors to go to the movies once a month.   There is community service in which hygiene and medicine are taught to the poor.   There is also ser...