
Showing posts with the label I5

The Closest Fire - Too Close to the Road

                Yesterday was overcast when I went to the pool.   I prefer going there when the skies are grey with moisture and not sun that blinds.   We are all hoping that the overcast skies and humidity will help with the fire.                 The fire started near the 97 mile marker less than 10 miles south of where I live.   The news reports that it had been started by an illegal camp fire.   It is the closest fire we have ever had and yet the air quality has been better than any other summer . . . for us anyway.   The smoke is thick and black and horrible to the south.   The smoke has infected Glendale, Grants Pass and of course Medford (has there been a summer yet that smoke hasn’t invaded Medford?)   Reports say the smoke has made its way as far as Ashland.   Oh, my word . . . I didn’...

The Sun Appears to Set in the South

        I've always been  direction-ally  challenged - a feature I inherited from my mom, I'm sure.  In Salt Lake I actually did know which way was east, which way was south - but outside of Salt Lake?  I am ALWAYS turned around.  It seems that I have been even more turned around living in Myrtle Creek and Tri City.         Pacific Highway runs parellel to I5 - an interstate designed to run north and south - and does - for the most part.  Between exits 106 and 108 exists some really sharp curves - almost like traveling in a circle.  Those run east and west.  So Pacific Highway runs east and west.  I finally have that figured out after having lived here for over a year.         The weather is not near as hot as it was last year.  I like the cool temperatures of summer.  It's one of the reasons that we m...