The Sun Appears to Set in the South

        I've always been direction-ally challenged - a feature I inherited from my mom, I'm sure.  In Salt Lake I actually did know which way was east, which way was south - but outside of Salt Lake?  I am ALWAYS turned around.  It seems that I have been even more turned around living in Myrtle Creek and Tri City.

        Pacific Highway runs parellel to I5 - an interstate designed to run north and south - and does - for the most part.  Between exits 106 and 108 exists some really sharp curves - almost like traveling in a circle.  Those run east and west.  So Pacific Highway runs east and west.  I finally have that figured out after having lived here for over a year.

        The weather is not near as hot as it was last year.  I like the cool temperatures of summer.  It's one of the reasons that we moved here.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again.  I LOVE Oregon.


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