
Showing posts with the label leadership

Lead By Example – Follow Up to the last post

 I meant to have this posted on Friday but was unable to process all of my thoughts until now:                I think it was in August when Roland applied for the management position at the jewelry store.  They were down to two candidates but had decided to go with the one who was more familiar with the product.  Not a great call in my opinion – but I am just getting the information second hand.  I ’ ve never actually met the woman – but this is an illustration of what makes a leadership vs. management that I had mentioned in this post .         Not her real name, but I shall call her Karen – the name that seemed to get a bad rap during 2020.  She knows product.  Roland knows people.  I do like a salesman that can tell me the pros and cons of certain products – electronics for example.  It is important – but I think knowing people is more important.  Not just cust...

At What Sacrifice? Or Whose?

           I recently learned that Brigham Young had told Ephraim Hanks to shave his face.   I have probably heard the story ( here ) several times but did not resonate like it does at present.   “Wear a mask”. How hard is that?   Few people enjoy being told what to do.   We all have our free agency.   Not everybody will wear a mask – or if they do, they will wear pretend masks or fail to cover both mouth and nose. Washable-Copyright-Protected/dp/B08DK461YP          Ephraim Hanks had free agency.   He didn’t have to shave.   He chose to obey the council.   It’s not that he needed to prove anything to others or even God.   He had to prove to himself that he was willing to obey.   This act played a huge role with his ability to lead others.            This article reinforces that wearing a mask is showing Christ...

Defunding Police and Missionary Work

                I wish I had taken the time to record my thoughts and try to transcribe them instead of the pathetic attempt to post the following:            Jenna has an assignment due today.   She asked if I could bounce around some ideas in order to help her.   The topic is “ Defunding the Police – Why or Why Not? ” Her thoughts mirrored my own when the subject started making its way around facebook.           “ Why would we defund the police?   That is so wrong.   It ’ s their job to serve and protect us.   Why would we want to take that away? ”           I obviously had not understood why so many seemed to support it until I saw this political cartoon   this was shared on facebook.  Unfortunately I am  unable to cite its orginal source but would like to ...

Here's Hoping

          The world is different now and will continue – I would hope for the better.   Afterall we are all going through the same thing together – but apart.   Some people are using their time wisely and even grateful for the time of solitude.   Others are going stir crazy and blaming anybody who remotely looks Asian for the pandemic.   Really?   Did history Not teach you anything?   American citizens who might have ancestors who lived in China or Japan or wherever.   American citizens who have never known life other than America but because of their skin type are sent away to “camps” for the safety of “real” Americans.   That very thought makes my blood boil.   How dare we cast blame to an entire population who had as much control over the decisions of leadership they may not even be related to.   And even if they are related, so what?   If I learned that I was related to Hitler or At...

Lead by Example

          Once a week a devotional was offered at the main building on campus when I attended Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho.   During the week, the devotional was offered for purchase at the bookstore.   It was also broadcast on the local campus radio for those who did not desire to attend the conference but wanted to listen. Some of these I had recorded myself as I would be engaged in other activities - like doing dishes - and wasn't giving my full attention.             Such was the case of the last devotional offered in May 1982 (I believe).   The speaker was Paul H. Dunn.   As it was the last week and the tape might not even be recorded for purchase, nor would I be in Idaho to make the purchase.   It was such an awesome devotional.   I think the broadcast said to destroy any recordings of the session - but I'm not sure - that part didn't get record...