At What Sacrifice? Or Whose?

         I recently learned that Brigham Young had told Ephraim Hanks to shave his face.  I have probably heard the story (here) several times but did not resonate like it does at present.  “Wear a mask”. How hard is that?  Few people enjoy being told what to do.  We all have our free agency.  Not everybody will wear a mask – or if they do, they will wear pretend masks or fail to cover both mouth and nose.

        Ephraim Hanks had free agency.  He didn’t have to shave.  He chose to obey the council.  It’s not that he needed to prove anything to others or even God.  He had to prove to himself that he was willing to obey.  This act played a huge role with his ability to lead others. 

        This article reinforces that wearing a mask is showing Christ

like love.  We wear masks in order to protect others – even those that have received the vaccination.  Asking some people to get a vaccination shot is even worse than asking them to wear a mask.  Really?  What is the big deal? 

    According to several sources (here) we could have avoided prolonging the pandemic if we had all cared about one another in the first place rather than how uncomfortable it might make for ourselves.  I don’t mean to wish bad upon these self absorbed people but sometimes I think how would they like seeing a family member in need of surgery being operated upon by a team of unmasked surgeons?  Or have their dentists breathe into their mouths while working on them?  But too bad for all those unmasked surgeons and dentists. 

        My brother purchased a book called “Would You Rather” and each day he posts a question.  A recent one was “Would you rather to be able to control the elements or go back in time?”

        I have always questioned time travel.  It’s fun to watch in movies, but what would it change really?  Different outcomes?  Better?  Worse?  There are all kinds of scenarios.  The thing is going back in time to warn others about the pandemic will not change what is going on right now.  We were already warned.  We’ve been divided.  We’re at a civil or cold war with one another.  Even at church.  There are those who still refuse to follow the prophet. 

        How hard is it to wear a mask or shave?  How hard is it to look at the staff that is stretched before us?  

I don’t understand all the pride.  For what?  Things will only get worse before they get better.  Why is it so difficult for so many to see what is right before them?  Especially when it parallels with scriptures. 

Our current situation may not be exactly like Zion’s camp or the movement of the pioneers or picking up our tents to move even further into the wilderness and crossing the ocean into the unknown.  We put our faith in God that He really does have our best interest at hand.  I would rather follow God into the unknown as I know the He does know what’s ahead – even if I don’t. 

I have seen far too many westerns, sci-fis and other movies to recognize that human leadership is often faulty. Though not always, but often, bad things happen to those that follow – maybe not all of them, but a good number of them.  For example the movie Poseidon Adventure.

How many souls were lost?  Not all humans know what they’re doing.

        It’s mind boggling, too, that there are those who are still defending Trump.  I don’t trust a man who desecrates religion.  So many of his followers are portrayed as idiots.  I think there’s a difference between being ignorant and being stupid. Evidently I am surprised at the large amount of stupid people that exist.

        Still judging though I’m trying really hard not to.  Currently I am just shaking my head in disbelief.  I also pray a lot.


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