
Showing posts with the label stupid tears


          Before I had a chance to sit down after I arrived in the chapel yesterday, a sweet sister came up to me and put her arm around me and asked if there was/is something wrong.   She is one of the very few people who saw me the week prior.   She had seen me on the stand along with the primary.   Many others hadn't noticed me.   Those who sit directly in front of or to the left side of the pulpit may not have noticed the primary as a whole.   We are out of view even when we're standing unless it is at the  pulpit.           I have been rather melancholy this entire month.   I didn't know why but have since figured it out.   While I truly love this sister, we really don't have that intimate of a connection.   I've seen her outside of the church on occasion , but for the most part I know that our contact is only two or three times a month at bes...