
Showing posts with the label tax

So Unmotivated Right Now

For the last four mods I have had only one assigned class which in a way has been nice. I noticed with this last week, I was never asked to do a survey in order to continue with my class On Monday I start another accounting class This one will focus on Taxes.  Good thing I'm only getting one. Taxes.  I hope that I will understand and stay focused.  Perhaps one day I will actually be able to do my own.

Deception Among Oligopolies

                         In November I had never heard of an oligopoly before.   I knew what they were, but until this last class I had (in economy) I didn't realize they had a specific name. I'm not saying all companies that happen to be in the Oligopoly or monopoly stage are necessarily bad companies.   The truth is the founder of the company may well have had extremely valid intentions (other than become a successful money maker who cares only about money) and may not even be involved with the company anymore as many founders are eventually kicked out of their own company (that doesn't seem right) but I am saying that there are many who make decisions, advertising for instance, that are done in a deceptive way.   Many businesses seem to get "too big for their breeches" that they have lost vision of what made the corporation great in the first place.   By the...

Bake Sale & Economy

          The tax proposal didn’t pass in November.   It wasn’t so much because people were opposed at having or keeping the library – they’ve just been opposed to paying for it.      On March 30, the Myrtle Creek library closed its doors.   They remain locked as some of us continue to fight for the cause.   I don’t know who is responsible for establishing the group, or just where everybody came from.   It was announced that a group would be forming for a non-profit organization which we had yet to name.           The first four meetings or so took place at the school part of the Nazarene church.   There were over 30 people who attended.   Where were they when the library was looking for a new board member to replace Marilyn?   The only ones I recognized were those on the library board – and though it appeared some were on this new-founded...