
Showing posts with the label construction

Family Hopping

  We had made arrangements for Ryan (aka Tony) to come pick us up from the bus depot.   He met us at 6:15 in the morning and took us to my sisters house where we would sleep – or attempt to anyway.   We were introduced to the family dogs Sadie and Donny.   Gary was asleep on the couch where we’d be sleeping – or trying to and Jerry asked if we would give him permission to use us in a youtube video.   He then taught us a geography game which I had assumed he wanted us to play while filming for the youtube video.   But that is a far as it got.   Perhaps we weren’t worthy subjects for his channel?           For the most part we spent time with Ryan and his family while Ryan was off and before the kids had to go back to school.   We played games with them and then Ryan took us all to Dee’s for dinner.   After he brought us back to my sister’s house, we played games with her family.   Playing gam...

Hodgepodge of Thoughts

            I have been thinking of an assortment of things lately – none seem post worthy however.   I haven ’ t come up with any great ways to transfer my thoughts.   So perhaps I ’ ll just assign numbers.   1.       I ’ ve driven many mornings without having to deal with school buses and I always forget.   Thus I have been leaving the house a wee bit earlier in order to pick up Jenna who does go to seminary in person – at least for the time being. 2.       On our return we pass the middle school which has always had a flashing light signal before the turn.   But I have not seen the signal since mid-summer.   I told the crossing guard about it.   Thus far it isn ’ t working still. 3.       I ’ ve seen a lot more construction signs and reflective cones set up all over Myrtle Creek.   And they somehow become permanent additions as t...

What Are They Doing To My Street?

             I have noticed orange diamond shaped signs indicating construction.   At first I noticed them posted near unpaved streets figuring that perhaps they were being paved – although it seems to be an unrealistic thing at this time of the year now that I think about it.   But that is what I had thought initially.             This morning I heard what sounded like power drill noises.   What the heck?   I didn’t even check my window.   90% of the time I look for a source to match a sound, I don’t see anything.             I had a dentist appointment at 10:00.   It wasn’t until I left the house that I noticed the orange signs were on our street.   Why?   What are they doing?   Why are they making so much noise?   that's our house btw taken from our driveway It ...

The Sights and Sounds of Utah . . . NNNOOOOOO

          Corey has had to deal with the challenge of driving to work in Las Vegas construction or attempt to try and maneuver himself around it.   Ah, the good old days (not) of experiencing that very thing in Salt Lake.   I suppose Las Vegas and SLC can afford to put up detour signs - though it seems inconvenience - there is the option of using other streets.   Not so true in this part of Oregon.           I told Corey that has been another plus to living here.   Sometimes I have noticed Roseburg streets seem at a shutdown, but here in Myrtle Creek, the road construction has generally been less than a week.   Cones go up, signs go up, but they either move down the road or else disappear altogether.           There was the inconvenience of going South on Old Pacific during a few months last year, but hey, Old Pac...

Renovation and Makeover

We knew there'd be problems before we moved in.   I didn't get that the discoloration on the floor meant water damage.   We called the insurance company who sent a crew out June 28 and stayed with us until July 6 and disappeared. The insurance company had wired money to our bank in addition to paying Service Master.   okay, additional expenses like the plumber, electrician . . . but wait.   We still need more than just a sub floor. . . Installation  We finally heard back from Service Master on August 11, I believe.   It was by phone on Friday and they said they'd be out on Monday.   They weren't.   Roland received a call after 6:00 pm on Tuesday.   A representative came to give an estimate, which Roland tore apart and ended up agreeing to dry wall only.   Oh, and let's not forget the furnace that has been in our kitchen the last 6 weeks.   And please return our daughter's possessions! Dry wall put in.   Furn...

Division Street is Closed

My water aerobics classes had started when I was still out of town. I've gone everyday this week except today. Each member of the class including the instructor faced a new challenge yesterday. Division is getting a makeover. I don't know that it had even been worth it.   The air was cold before we got in.   The wind against our wet bodies made it feel even colder. I guess I still had time to go if I had not continued with this post, and if the road is finished, but only if I didn't have to wait for the construction workers to direct me. I was reminded of this commercial When I approached the elderly lady dressed from head to foot in fire engine yellow - almost like the government descending on Elliot's family in the movie E.T. It's a long way around and will be late for certain should I choose to go that way. Probably...