
Showing posts with the label growing

Another Disappointment

Jenna's been in a slump I wish I knew how to fix the situation surely as my mom wished she could when I was the age that Jenna is now   I don't believe mom had gone through this slump when she was thirteen. Her parents were newly divorced and she was a latch key kid trying to support her mom and help look after her brothers She didn't have time to get bored Jenna gets bored I got bored. How unfortunate. I think my mom had it harder than I do. Jenna still allows herself to be disappointed whenever plans don't work out or promises get broken. When I was thirteen, I had already fixed my mind into believing that I didn't care It was a lot easier to not care than be hurt all the time Lonely.   We both needed good friends. And actually I was in a better position as far as contact goes.   There were fewer working mothers and houses close together.   I could walk up or down the street and spend some time with either Julie or Janeen. J...

Sometimes we have to go off course to make Dreams Happen

                For math class this week, we (the students) are required to post a discussion about our dream job.   I think all throughout the course we are required.   We are also required to take ourselves in optional directions.   I know it's a good thing to keep an open mind.   Sometimes our direction is thrown off course.   Sometimes we realize the dreams we're chasing are not really what we want.   Often we're not prepared for the alterations that fall into our path.   Many times we are in control.   Sometimes we're not - but we need to learn how.                 So the math discussion prompt is for me to look into my magic crystal ball and see my future in my dream job with math.   Becoming an accountant was never a dream job.   Working with numbers has always felt ...

Weeding Out the Thorns - both Literally and Figuratively

        Recently I posted to facebook that I really LOVE Oregon - but did not give details. One friend who lives in Oregon asked for details.  I answered her in a private message. I have many friends and family in Utah who may not share my feelings about the hoop-jumping that so many have to deal with in the state of Utah that I did not want to post my number one reason why I like living in Oregon.  I love being in Oregon because it isn't Utah - or more specifically Salt Lake City. I guess it's wrong of me to judge the entire state by just one county.         Thus far I have not had to jump any hoops - not even to get a driver's license or state plates.  Nor did I have to wait.  I have been treated like a person and not just a number.  I count!  I may have counted in Utah, but I didn't feel like I did.  Especially when it came to voting.  Seriously.  Utah's a Rep...

Opening Doors Through Literature

          First of all I would really like to thank Ellen and Sunny for their recommendation of the book "The Rent Collector" by Camron Wright.  I have enjoyed it and actually wouldn't mind having the book in my personal collection.           I'm intrigued by so much of the story and the situation and dreams and literature.  Though the story itself is fictitious, Stung Meanchey was a real place.  A filthy dump in Cambodia. Three sided huts provided housing to those who worked at the dump.  The documentary "River of Victory" says that there are over 600 of this type housing.  Or at least there were.  The author's notes (Camron Wright on the Rent Collector) indicate that Stung Meanchey was shut down in 2009 and there is no housing at the new location of dumping grounds.            When I look at pictures t...

Jukebox Memories

         I read this piece of trivia: “On November 23rd, 1889, the jukebox was invented by entrepreneurs Louis Glass and William S. Arnold. They called it the nickel-in-the-slot phonograph which is possibly the least effort we've seen put into the name of a product ever.” and was reminded of having seen jukeboxes on occasion.         Jukeboxes weren’t as popular when I was growing up, as I believe they were when my mom and dad were teenagers. But I do remember some restaurants featuring a single jukebox and one restaurant that allowed you to make selections from the table.   I also remember spending quarters (not nickels) for making a selection of up to six songs.   I don’t recall ever dancing to my jukebox selections – just having the music in the background.             There was a jukebox at Snelgroves for a short t...

Everything on a Waffle by Polly Horvath

My latest book review is Everything on a Waffle by Polly Horvath.    Everything on a Waffle is a Newberry Honor.   I didn't used to like Newberry books.   But I really like this one. I suppose one reason why I choose juvenile over adult or young adult is the font size.   Recently I had placed holds on one of each.   For the latter two, I am able to see the words better with a magnifying glass.   I prefer not reading with a book in one hand and a magnifying glass in the other.   And with the mornings having become darker, small fonts require more light if my eyes must read them.   Everything on a Waffle is told in first person from Primrose’s point of view.   Primrose is an eleven year old that lives in a Coal Harbor, a small town in town in Canada (though it doesn’t specify which providence.) in the custody of three different guardians. Initially she’s left with Miss Perfidy who often sits for Primrose – tho...

The Devastation of Adolescence and Experiencing Peter Pan Syndrome

         When Jenna was two and three, she insisted that Roland stop calling her the baby.   “I am a big girlr” she’d inform us (actually I don’t remember the exact pronunciation; she said it as one syllable, but it sounded like she had an extra ‘r’ at the end.)          When she started to go through adolescence, she no longer wished to be a big girl.   She wanted to be like her hero, Peter Pan – without having to move to Never Never Land.   Becoming a woman was something she was NOT looking forward to her.          Two years ago I started a post which I did not attach to my blog.  It was the day when I bought Jenna’s first bra.   The very idea was just too devastating for her.   And I told her that I wouldn’t tell any family members – and because I have family members which read my post, I didn’t post about i...

Garden Enthusiast

--> --> When Jenna was three she discovered some blue gravel that had been dumped by the shed.   Biff had left it there after cleaning out a fish tank.   Jenna thought that they were beautiful seeds and wanted to plant them.   I tried to explain that they weren’t seeds – but she was insistent that we bury them so that they would grow into a beautiful flower. Everyday she would check the spot where the “seeds” had been planted – impatient that the flowers had not bloomed overnight.   Again, I tried to explain to her that even if the seeds had been real seeds – flowers do not spring up overnight.   It takes time.   Especially in our family, it seems. Jenna did not stop checking.   She was determined that her flower would grow.   She watered the area.   She talked to it.   She was certain that a flower would grow.   I really did not want her to be crushed and so devastate...