
Showing posts with the label commercials

We Have a Pill for That

          Several years ago my friend Peggy had gone to several doctors with odd symptoms that no one could seem to figure out.   Out of frustration, she did her own research.   She checked out books from the library (because this took place long before Google existed) and spent countless hours at the library until she thought she had figured it out and reported back to her doctor and said, “This is what I have.”           Fibromyalgia wasn’t a word associated with the 20 th century as it is today. Commercials now are exploding with drugs and advice to “ask your doctor” – not that the pills will cure you.   They will assist with whatever ails you while we sit back and collect cash.   Hey, and if it doesn’t work out to all expectations, there are also ads inviting us to join whatever bandwagon the attorneys may have set up so that we can sue whatever company for making us sick.      ...