
Showing posts with the label Tony's in-laws

We Don't Always Have the Option of Choosing Our Family

        Nicki is Rochelle's sister.   She's not in any of the family pictures that were taken at Tony and Rochelle's wedding 5 1/2 years ago.   I was not aware that she even had a third sister.   All of them have an "L" sound at the end of their name - but Nicki has chosen to go by her middle name.   I think Rochelle told me that Nicki had withdrawn herself from the family and started to go by Nicki at that time - though I could be wrong.   I actually don't know Rochelle as much as I'd like.   I certainly don't know her family - only what Tony paints for me - which is less than flattering.   But Tony always sees the lemons rather than the potential of lemonade.         Rochelle's mother passed away only two months after she and Tony married - which wasn't a great surprise; neither of her parents was in the best of shape, but I somehow believed that Rochelle's dad would go fi...