
Showing posts with the label disappointments

Solar Eclipse and Weather

           With all the hype involved, I thought we would be seeing the cornoa.   Jenna and I were both disappointed that we didn't.   We were more impressed by the blood-red sun painted that way due to all the smoke.   Mornings are usually clear.   Not this morning.   Smoke makes fires appear closer than they are.   There are so many of them.   I like the feel of the pool in the morning - especially when we have had it to ourselves - though I do miss some of the other members of the class.   School starts next week and so it's understandable why we haven't seen those who are school teachers.             I have Jenna's agenda for yesterday stored on a file - but not ready to post.   I have to create a discussion post for my economic class (which I am NOT enjoying) and 100 word report on the summer reading program.   My blog posts will have to re...

Riddle Celebrates

this flag hangs in our yard Veteran Memorial at Millsite Park                For every Federal Holiday and each holiday honoring Veterans though may not be observed by others (I had not been aware of all of the "flag" holidays that Myrtle Creek observes) Myrtle Creek lines the streets and bridges with flags.   South Umpqua Bridger Exit 108             The mayor credits the Elks for putting out the flags.   I don't know how early they are put out. Though the flags come out every 4th of July, Myrtle Creek itself seems like a ghost town.   People go out of town.   I don't know where they go.   Riddle, perhaps?     not the best pic, but the only one I can find of bridge on Exit 106             Poor Jenna.   Her parents are tired old fuddy-duddys who don't celebrate as we did when we were young...

Valentine’s Didn’t Happen

Earlier this week, Jenna came home all excited and folded an open box into a closed one, added a face and the hearts that she and her friend had cut out of colored paper.   She said there was a contest and she came up with the idea of turning her box into the school mascot. On Wednesday she was crying when I picked her up – disappointed that one class did not collect all the needed points and thus they wouldn’t be having the Valentine’s party she had so looked forward to.  On Thursday I said she should take   her box and prepared Valentines anyway – just in case. She threw up in class and so was taken to the office and put in the sick room to wait until somebody arrived. My phone was in my pocket.   Unfortunately it had been turned off.   Roland was on his cell phone talking to someone.   Randy was in class.   Carrie was at work.   Evidently the staff had gone through ev...

Go Camping or Not go camping . . .

     I have gone camping before – several times actually.   I’d gone with my family. I remember times when Patrick and I were younger though not too much with my other two sibs.   I do remember when Corey and Kayla were both a lot younger, we did do a family activity where we stayed in cabins.   That’s the only time I recall camping with the two of them.      I’d gone to girls’ camp through the church.   When I was twelve and thirteen I went to a camp called Oakcrest.   We stayed in cabins.   I remember going to rough camp twice (we stayed in tents) as a youth and twice as a leader.   That was well over twelve years ago.      And then there was the one time we attempted camping as a family – before Jenna entered the picture.   Memorial weekend 2002 .   The boys were in a tent and Roland and I tried to sleep in the van.      Roland has actually gone ...