
Showing posts with the label ward

Growth and Shrinkage

             The last ward we attended in Utah was called Granger 14 th .   Boundaries were exceptionally weird, but we did have enough activity that there were two adult Sunday Schools. I don’t recall anyone having multiple callings.   It was a good ward.           We had only been here for a couple of years when we returned to Utah for my late daughter-in-law’s funeral.   We had been invited to stay for a linger longer at the Granger 14 th .   A lot of people had moved out of the ward in that two years time.   A LOT.   I asked someone if a lot of members were on vacation.   Looking around she claimed that most of the ward was in attendance.   The ward had shrunk.           When Jaime and I had gone back for a visit last year we were told that the Granger 14 th had dissolved. That's too bad.  Understandable, but s...

Changing Boundaries

            When there are not enough active members attending church, wards may combine as others are done away with.   When there is growth in the church, new wards and stakes are created. I have lived in such areas that affected ward boundaries.             I am too young to remember when my mom and neighbors were a part of the third ward.   I had always known us as the forth.   Just after or right before I had graduated high school, it was announced that our ward boundaries would be changing as our stake would include members on the west side of state street.   One and a half streets were made a part of the seventh ward.   I remember there wasn't much support in the "sustaining vote" - nevertheless, it was carried out.                It wasn't too many years later when I was o...

I'm Out Of A Job, But Hey, I've Got a Cool Shirt

After we arrived her over two years ago, we learned that Myrtle Creek has a celebration very close to the time when Salt Lake City celebrates Days of '47.   The ward in Myrtle Creek offers a service project the week prior to the community. The first year we had gone to Riddle Cemetery and used power washers to clean the stones.   There were several who brought weed whackers to   spruce up the grounds. Last year we went to the high school.   We brought weed whackers and power washers and paint brushes.   This year our service project was at the VWF.   We cleaned up the outside as well as the inside (at least some members did;   I was bothered by all the cleaning chemicals and chose to stay outside) This year we continued to build upon the equipment of weed whackers, power washers and paint brushes - carpentry was also added to the agenda.   So here are some pictures of what we did:     ...

Feeding the Mormons

posted 12/10/2016           Our ward did something different for the Christmas celebration this year.  Instead of the traditional dinner that is normally done, we had a Christmas breakfast.  And the Relief Society wasn’t in charge of fixing any of it.  It was catered!           Last year, we had it in the Skyhawk room in Myrtle Creek – which seems to be a popular spot for annual events – and not just the cafeteria between the elementary and middle schools.  But this we had our breakfast at the Bible Christian Center in Riddle.  The inside of the facility definitely seems a lot bigger than the outside.  I was impressed.                     We had the option of scrambled eggs, hash browns, sausage patties, muffins, fruit, and in addition to the drink choices of milk, cr...