
Showing posts with the label villains

Deceit Among Heroes and Villains

Roland often tells this joke about Satan entering a congregation of worshipers.   Frightened with his presence, the parishioners begin to flee the church except for one man.   Satan sits next to him on the pew and after trying a few more scare tactics finally says to the man, “Why is it that you are not frightened of me.” The man just looks at him and shakes his head and says, “Nothing you can do will frighten me.   After all, I’ve been married to your sister for the last twenty years” Roland’s marriage to his last wife did not make it to twenty years however.   But I think that is who he thinks about when he tells the joke.                         When I saw the advertisements for Disney’s Maleficent, I thought to myself:   “How quaint.   A movie about Roland’s ex-wife”       ...