
Showing posts with the label church dance

Jumping Out the Old and into the New

            Roland had agreed to pick up a friend of Jenna’s in Winston and take them both to the stake dance.   We allowed ourselves to agree to stay to chaperone.   It was fun watching the kids dance – or jump rather.   To every song!   I may have had the energy to do that when I was a youth but not now.   I can’t even go four minutes of jumping – let alone four and a half hours.   I hope that all of the youth may continue with that energy and never lose it.          The last two weeks of December felt bleak.   It snowed after Christmas.   We had purchased sensor system last year so that we could be alerted to any packages or company that might drop by.   It is solar powered – needless to say we haven’t had many days of warning during those last two weeks of December.          Currently the sun is shining.   The snow is mos...

3 generations of '80's music

I graduated from high school in 1980- the same year that Rupert Holmes released his recording of “Him”.  I think think it must have been at college or perhaps it was at an institute dance when a live band played that Rupert Holmes song.  Many of us listened intently wondering how they would incorporate the lyrics “Over by the window is a pack of cigarettes” and laughed when they sang “a pack of Wrigley’s gum”                 I thought it an odd song to play as the theme implies that his wife is having an affair, but I still liked the song.  Many times we listen without understanding the meaning but may find it has a great rhythm or melody or what have you.  The ‘80’s seemed to spin out a wide variety of popular music that continues to be played at Chruch dances.                 I remember when Jenna was born, I...