
Showing posts with the label Zion's Camp

Your “Free Agency” is Infringing on Mine

         Sunday ’ s meeting was quite awesome. Our bishop tackled the sensitive subject of following the counsel of the prophet.  He started off sharing one incident in Church history in which the saints were being persecuted and how the division that exists today was alive back then.  I notice that during my studies how often our own lives parallel with the saints.  In a way we are “ marching ” to our own “ Zion ’ s Camp ”  ( here ) as we struggle to do the right thing and shed our pride or judgment. little-known-details-about-zions-camp?lang=eng        We have our free agency to follow the prophet or follow the crowd.  But I often feel that the “ free agency ” abused by others infringes on my own.  I remember airlines, restaurants, hospitals and other places who offered smoking sections – as if the smoke is seriously going to linger  only in...