
Showing posts with the label relatives

More Than Names To Second Cousins

            There is a family history fair coming up in May.   Someone had made reference to the importance of it during our conference meeting.   Yes.   It is important.   Good hygeine is important - yearly checkups with the doctor and semi-annually for the dentist.  That doesn't mean we love doing it.            I have been rereading the autobiography of my former neighbor's mother.   She was 81 when her words were published and lived another 25 years.   She is the oldest living person that I have personally known. It has been interesting reading about the history she has lived. She enjoyed family history.               I prefer the picture taking and journal entrees over research and accumulated documents that may or may not be a distant relation. Currently, I have at least three ...

August Grandbabies

            We met three of our granddaughters for the first time this month.   Devin and Ally will be turning two in August.   That was the time we had initially planned to visit our families in Utah.   I was excited that I would be able to give these two granddaughters their birthday gifts in person and that I wouldn't have to spend extra money on postage.   Looks like I'll be spending the money . . .             I have made quiet/alphabet books for Jenna, Anna and Ester.   It's initial intent was for something that they can look at during sacrament meeting to keep them entertained (and hopefully quiet) during the meeting.   I started to print out just a few pages, but did not have all of the pages of ready to print as I was still hoping to get updated pictures - though not in the manner they were acquired.   I was hoping for an updat...