
Showing posts with the label infection

Always on a Sunday

                 When I was younger I would often spin around several times until I felt dizzy and stop – either of my own will or because I had crashed into something.  The dizziness was not completely bothersome as a youth as it is as an adult – an aged one at that.              There are times I have felt dizzy due to ear or sinus infections though I don’t ever remember feeling so dizzy that I wanted to throw up.   Well, there was that time when I was pregnant with Jaime and Richard and I were at a movie theatre watching “Limitless” – the opening photography is spinning as I recall or maybe somewhere else in the movie.   I remember looking away as it was making me dizzy.           Getting into a car when I am feeling light headed is not always the best idea. The dizziness had seemingly made me naucious and when we had stopped for gas on the w...

I Should Have Recognized the Signs

             For a couple of weeks my right eye has been tearing up.   It's quite annoying as it will create a fogged up view through my glasses.   I have also felt somewhat dizzy and lightheaded at times.             The air has been so dry which I'm sure has been a contributing factor to my health today.   I had thought it was all allergy related when both eyes went balistic last Tuesday but I may have a cold underneath - or worse - the dreaded sinus infection may have weaseled its way into my life again because the air in Oregon isn't providing the moisture which brought me out here.   We may need to move closer to the ocean.             The fire levels are back to low and moderate - at least here, but there is still a hazy sky to the west of I5 between Grants Pass and Glendale.   Where is my rain? ...

Removing Pains of February

I have never had a branch or knife gouge through my eye, but I would imagine the pain is very similar to what I have felt each year in February since moving to this cracker-box house in West Valley.   Apparently I had posted a few posts to my blog the first year I had it.   And I know I was driving.   This year I am in such awe that I was able to do it.   Each year the pain has been worse than the last, and each year I have believed that death would be more preferable to the pain.   Because hey, once my spirit and body separate, I wouldn’t be able to experience the physical pain. That first year I felt like a drug guinea pig.   Although the first drug issued was in December, but I had not posted the traumatic effects until February when the sinus pressure built up again.   I don’t know why I am so unfortunate to have this experience EVERY YEAR.   Enough is enough already (and I have had more than enough – thank you very much) ...

I Would Like to See Someone Murder Germs - Permanently

Crime doesn’t seem to take a rest.  Rarely takes a holiday.  Germs at least seem to take breaks.  Maybe not.  There is always somebody who’s been invaded by germs. So often they can make us miserable.  I haven’t blogged for a while for that very reason.  Icky, ugly germs – that hadn’t been detected in my own personal body until I went to the doctors to have my ears flushed. It doesn’t set well with me that I feel worse leaving the doctor.  It doesn’t set well with me that I would feel even more miserable after starting the antibiotic treatment.  I’ve had pressure in my ear, in my eye, in my head, and in my throat.  I’ve had a cough and am now experiencing a runny nose – which is a good thing.  A runny nose indicates it’s finally coming out. Unfortunately I forgot to turn on the humidifier on Saturday night and woke up with a dry throat on Sunday morning.  I took the last antibiotic.  And now I’m probably experie...

I Can’t Hear You!

          Last year I had a sinus infection that put pressure on my eyes.  This year it’s my right ear.  It’s been clogging and feels like it does when I’ve been on a plane.  I thought it was the air quality that was turning me deaf.           Jenna happened to be sitting next to me when she looked in my ear and told me it was pretty bad.  Apparently it’s a wax build up.  It didn’t hurt – but has been greatly annoying as my hearing’s been distorted, my thinking has been distorted and my balance has been out of wack.           So I set up an appointment to get my ears flushed (I had thought it was both ears) believing that the doctor’s office may be equipped with a greater tool than a syringe.  This particular clinic is not. How pathetic.  The water that was used wasn’t even that warm.    ...

Maybe I’m Allergic to the Alka-Seltzer

          When I was little, I used to spin around until I got dizzy and then spin some more.   Especially when I had pleats on.   My skirt or dress would twirl with me.   I thought that was major cool.           I don’t know how old I was when I lost my balance or perhaps I had just spun into the end table.   Either way, I was bleeding from a gash just above my right eye.   I had to have stitches.   As a result I have a small indentation just above my right eye.   Sort of like a dimple.   Small though.   Not actually noticed by many.           I have had some people notice that my right eye does look smaller than my left.   Not a noticeable difference to most people – but those who study my face harder have wondered about it.           In Decemb...

Thoughts on wellness (unwellness rather)

          I used to think that a sore throat was the absolute worse.   I would rather have a headache, a backache, nausea, or sinus infection rather than a sore throat.   Or so I thought. A sore throat never made me disoriented. Have you ever seen the movie Innerspace?   As the story unfolds, we learn that Dennis Quade’s character has agreed to being shrunk and injected into the body of a rabbit.   But due to circumstances beyond his control, he is inserted into Martin Short’s body by mistake.           In order for him to see what Martin Short is seeing, DQ lands his vessel onto the optical nerve and then clamps on the seeing device tool.   On his initial land, MS experiences irritation.   Something is bugging him just behind the eye.   But then comes the clamp.   MS screams out in pain.           ...