
Showing posts with the label DCFS

Drunk With Power

               On Monday night Roland and I watched 911.   One of the stories focused on a mother who’d been drinking while driving.   Due to her poor decision to find the bottle (or flask) more of a priority than any other human beings -  including her own child. Because he is a scared-out-of-his-mind passenger not able to communicate with his mom, he calls 911.   By the time the emergency crews arrive on the scene there is a horrific accident involving 10 – 20 cars – all because she had been disoriented behind the wheel.              Toward the end of the show, Bobby, who is a main character in the show, goes to an AA support group and talks about how so many people think they can handle the situation of drinking and staying sober – not at all rational about what their decisions may cost others.   While he was giving his speech I thought about the mandating on mask wearing and the decis...