Kayla’s Birthday and Inaguration

My brother Patrick has his birthday on St. Patrick’s Day. It is always on St. Patrick’s Day regardless the day of the week. St. Patrick’s Day is not a federal holiday in which some people are able to take the day off with pay. It isn’t even seen as a holiday by many people though there are some who choose to celebrate the Irish heritage day. Kayla and I both have birthdays which may fall on a holiday weekend as both MLK day and Memorial Day have moved their celebrated day to Monday – or rather a day that follows the weekend and those who get paid for Federal holidays are able to take them off. I think had mentioned in an earlier post how excited my mom said that Kayla was to be off on her birthday in 1986 – the first celebration of MLK – though it wasn’t nationally celebrated until 1995 ( here ) https://www.almanac.com/content/when-martin-luther-king-jr-...