
Showing posts with the label Easter

Laughing With Mother Nature

          I don’t know which Easter – two years ago I think – when I learned the resurrection rolls (some call them tomb rolls) from Emily Belle Freeman (In one of the Easter videos that she did with David Butler)   Neither David Butler nor I had ever heard of the disappearing marshmallow treat.   They souned good along with symbolic message and I tried them.             I vaguely remember explained the symbols as I held up the marshmallow and said that it would represent Jesus’ body and that we would symbolically prepare the body in oil (melted butter) and fine spices (cinnamon and sugar) and dress His body (the crescent roll or biscuit or whatever I happened to use) and when we opened the oven His body would no longer be inside.   I don’t know what recipe I used.             Yesterday I decided that I would surprise the other two as they ...

Happy Birthday Jenna and Archer

 Jenna has never appreciated having her birthday fall on Conference weekend.  Often Conference has not been the factor for postponing or cancelling her birthday - but rather the weather has played a part on activities held. Last year was nice and she had met up with a friend and went on an Easter egg hunt downtown.  She enjoyed his company and enjoyed the day.  Yesterday she had also met up with friends for a small gathering.  They met at a table at the park. Originally she had scheduled an indoor activity on April Fool's day but realized that more guests had been invited than what she had planned and felt our back room might not be large enough to hold them all. It was a lot cooler yesterday than last year or the year before.  As I recall, the weather was quite awesome on her 16th birthday - but it was 2020 - a unique problem by itself.  That was the year that Archer was born.  We were able to see him just ten days ago.  Jaime would sing the...

Bill's April Fool's Joke

          Bill and Jenna both share a similar personality.   They enjoy pranks even when it is not April Fools - so I really don't know what makes it different from every other day.   At least Bill separated the two events that occurred on April 1st.                                                  retrieved from Facebook.  I thought it was hilarious             I remember having learned that the Julian calendar had originally started with April as the first month of the year but the other months were added.   History channel says "Some historians speculate that April Fools’ Day dates back to 1582 when France switched from the Julia...

Symbolisms and Parellels

I don’t know how old I was when I was introduced to the parallels between the ancient prophets and Jesus – and how there have been so many symbolisms throughout their life.   For example:   Pharaoh's orders to slay the male children (Moses) and Herod’s orders to slay male children (Jesus) Noah and his family in the ark for 40 days and nights as Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights   Joseph’s brothers (Judah in particular) selling him to the Ismaelites for twenty pieces of silver as Judas Iscariot had betrayed “selling” Jesus for silver pieces. Or Jonah having been inside a whale’s belly for 3 days before he was spit out or Jesus having been inside a tomb before the stone rolled away As well as countless others.   As I searched for scriptural references, I found these three links ( Moses , Joseph , Joseph Smith ) that go into a lot more detail than what I have here.   As the last speaker in our sacrament meeting yesterday related the account of...

Another Send Off - Returning Home

Before Jenna turned five she was introduced to Isaac – a cousin to Paula – who, at the time, was Biff’s platonic girlfriend.   Roland asked Isaac how old he would be (or what age he’d just turned – I forget what time of the year it was) We both figured at least nine.   Both of us were quite floored when he answered seven..   He was too tall to be only seven. He was actually quite tall for nine.    Surely Jenna and Isaac were more than just two years apart.      Isaac’s mom was involved with an Easter tradition.   Every year right after Church, the children would look for the plastic eggs that the adults had hid around the yard – her father’s yard to be exact.   Paula had outgrown the tradition and had asked Biff to bring Jenna so that Isaac and Paula’s brother weren’t hunting for eggs by themselves.   So from 2009 to 2012 Jenna has always done Easter with Isaac and his family.       ...