Monday, April 1, 2024

Laughing With Mother Nature

        I don’t know which Easter – two years ago I think – when I learned the resurrection rolls (some call them tomb rolls) from Emily Belle Freeman (In one of the Easter videos that she did with David Butler)  Neither David Butler nor I had ever heard of the disappearing marshmallow treat.  They souned good along with symbolic message and I tried them. 

          I vaguely remember explained the symbols as I held up the marshmallow and said that it would represent Jesus’ body and that we would symbolically prepare the body in oil (melted butter) and fine spices (cinnamon and sugar) and dress His body (the crescent roll or biscuit or whatever I happened to use) and when we opened the oven His body would no longer be inside.  I don’t know what recipe I used. 

          Yesterday I decided that I would surprise the other two as they slept, I would prepare the rolls so that they would be ready when Richard and Jaime arose.  They looked like small rolls going in, but quite disastrous coming out – more representations of the stone that had rolled away leaving several muddy trails.  I didn’t even think to take pictures of my step by step process.  When I decided I would blog about this, there was only one roll left.  And it actually does look appealing as a cookie.  But it is not a cookie but a deflated roll. 

          The results of my tomb rolls were not near as bad as the cold weather that was far from spring in air quality – though we have had signs of blossoms and new growth.  I admire the courage of the plants that have broken through despite the painful bites of the elements.  I  don’t remember such a cold Easter. Couldn’t tell that from today. 

Mother Nature’s April Fool’s joke.

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