Hard Sleep Between 4:00 and 5:30 a.m.


               I fell asleep early.  I got up at 2:00 quite warm and

decided to take a shower.  I did not return to bed as I had

had six hours of sleep. I took my kindle into another room to

pass the time.  If I had thought about it I would have cleaned the

carpet in Richard’s office.  Of course I did not

think about it.  I returned to bed at 4:00.  Sometime between

4:00 a.m. and 5:30 I had a really hard sleep.  I know that I was

sleeping hard as I had another really bizarre dream with no

connections to anything. 

               I was driving down a road that leads to downtown Myrtle

Creek.  A deer zoomed in front of me.  I think I stopped hard to

let it pass.  And then I saw a woman slowly moseying down

the middle of the road.  She was wearing a coat and scarf – all in

loud colors.  As the deer passed the woman, I slowed down and

called out her name (turns out it was someone that I have

worked with at the library) and asked her if she would like a ride. 

Her destination turned out to be a lot closer than either one of us

had expected (downtown Myrtle Creek is NOT that big.  EVERYTHING is

within walking distance)

               I parked next door to the bank (which is not in the same

location that it was in the dream) in an area I have never seen in real life. 

It was called Moon something.  I think it was a bar or night club or

something.  I don’t even know why I parked.  I don’t even remember leaving

the car – and yet I found myself in another elaborate building – huge – like Las

Vegas huge.  NOTHING like that exists in Myrtle Creek.  Highly doubtful in all

of Douglas county.  Yet in the dream there it was. 

 Jaime took me on a tour of the facility.  She was an actress

performing in one of the rooms.  I recognized the background from photos she

had posted (not in real life but as part of the dream) .  I suddenly remembered the

woman I had dropped off at the bank – which magically connected to the

building I was in.  But

she was gone.  Well, yeah – I had been

there much longer than anticipated.  I forgot about my car.  Oh oh.

I returned to the place I had parked to find a large sign on

the back of my car (or some kind of car – much bigger than the one I was

initially driving)  and all the tires had been removed.  I was devastated.  How

in the heck was I going to explain that to Richard?  

I am leaving out so much detail. 

It was 5:45 when I returned to the front room scribbling down my

thoughts.  The notes don’t make any sense.  But

neither did the dream.


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