
Showing posts with the label questions

To Err is Human . . .

Every once in a while I will see this message on facebook: Wondering what in the world got removed so quickly for whatever reason.   I know it happened quite frequently in 2020 when those who would share false information which facebook (along with other social media from what I understand) repeatedly removed - which is a good thing. Facebook allows millions of people to use their platform and those who work for the facebook company are allowed to monitor that which they work for but sometimes I feel that perhaps contents are taken down in error?  And yet it somehow leads me to believe my privacy settings really are not. I did not get the above message on my own wall but would imagine that is what others saw as the contents were deleted with a message that Ralph Waldo Emmerson was not the correct source.   Or it wasn’t RWE or something to that content.   Too bad I didn’t think of screenshotting that before deleting.   Hopefully I’ll never have another opportun...

The Latest Scam

             Our son Randy is a safety inspector who makes more money than he knows what to do with.   Recently, Richard has started taking classes in order to become a safety inspector also and has been putting in applications for jobs.   One company texted on Easter Sunday to say they had availability and would like to interview him using the internet.   Okay, I get it.   After 2020 many have relied more upon technology for interviews using zoom or facetime or whatever.   Monitoring a lengthy questionnaire does not qualify as an interview in my opinion.           I was bothered that the “interview” was to take place on Easter day.   After all, he had just received the text message. Usually one will set up an appointment and not just willy-nilly create a spontaneous message through text. We had gone down to Ashland again as Jaime had left her wallet in the car and figured she...

Cold, Wet, and Two Week Order

  Yesterday was cold and wet Bonnie does not like the moisture as it falls from the sky.   She spent most of the day sleeping except for when we took her to the vets.     The governor has issued another “ Stay at home order ” .   It starts on Wednesday and will go until December second. Restaurants and bars or for takeout or delivery only Which, in my opinion, is how it should have been all along.   Currently barbers, hair salons, and outdoor recreation are allowed along with youth programs, childcare, K-12 schools ????? Really?   We ’ re going to eliminate social gathering activity to 6 people and church maximum at 25 people but it is okay to have contact sports and hold schools with hundreds of children.   What???? I don't see hair salons and barbers as an essential. Jenna and I haven't had our hair cut since January.   Roland asked me to cut his. My hair hasn't necessarily grown longer -  but definit...

Invitation Answers post 1

          It has been less than a year since I graduated from the online college that I attended.   Recently I received an email from the school with an interest in candid photos in which I could share my personal story.   I am usually the one behind the camera – or was.   Jenna has taken over that job and has taken countless photos.   I don’t know that any of them say “success” as far as “look where our student is now”.             Included was a list of questions which I was more interested in answering with words than with photos.   The first five wanted reasons about why I had gone to college – specifically their school.   Umm . . . because my husband is an underpaid employee who works for your company and thus we took advantage of getting an expensive education for his time.             Roland had majored ...

Communication and Knowing my Child

            When Jenna was in preschool, the school district offered a course for parents to communicate with or discipline their children . . . I can't remember how it was worded.   Jenna was going through a whining stage and Roland and I both wished to assist her in overcoming.   Somewhere in my possession, I have the questionnaires as both Roland and I received our own packets of material.   Of course, I can't find them now to pull up an example except for the incentive charts found here .             The questions were presented in a manner that may have led one to believe that the questions were about the children, but with each class and questionnaire, I felt like the class was really geared toward parenting and understanding ourselves.   It was a fun class, I thought and I really enjoyed getting acquainted with the instructor and some of the ot...

The Things We Learn

          In these two posts ( here and here ) I mentioned how much Jenna loves learning about her family members. Until we had played Chatter Matters, she hadn't known that Roland used to play the trombone - or anything about his childhood really.   Usually it's just her and I, but she did manage to rope Roland into playing with us between conference.   After she won the game, we continued to go through the "family room" and "my room" cards so that Jenna could know Roland a little better. It reminded me of when my sibs and I would force the Ungame questions upon my dad.           My parents actually did three listed on the card - hiking was more of a seasonal activity   or annual thing - and it was usually a part of either a daytip or full vacation so the specific places we hiked were Yellowstone National Park or Timpanogos Cave in American Fork, Utah.  ...