
Showing posts with the label female dogs

Bonnie Of Mice And Men

           Many of us experience a devastation after an automobile accident.  We may lose sleep over replaying the situation in our mind.  We are more cautious when we return to driving.  After a while we return normal sleeping habits and may become a little more lax in our driving habits – or whatever it may be.  Automobile accidents is just one of many scenarios.  I picked that analogy as I think more people may be able to identify with it than to pitbulls or the learning impaired.          Last month Jaime and I had decided to take Bonnie to Millsite just for a change of scenery.  Unfortunately our day did not end well.  I lost a tremendous amount of sleep over the events that took place.  But it ’ s been a month and I have started sleeping better but not have completely relaxed nor do I expect I ever will.          Jaime and I were si...