Although I appreciate the Spontaneity, We Really Need to Work on Prioritizing
We blew the opportunity of picking blueberries for 50 cent per pound. On Friday night Richard had announced to the troop that we would go pick blueberries the following morning and leave the house by 8:30. I knew that wasn ’ t going to happen. It was a rough night for all of us. I was a grouch. I knew I would be a grouch all day if I didn ’ t get some sleep. When I am so exhausted and cannot sleep I tend to cry. I have cried a lot this month. On Saturday the gang did not pick blueberries nor did they go to the Safari. Richard had decided on a dog park in order to save money. He invited me to come along and felt disappointed when I chose not to. He was going to be upset with me either way. At least by not going I wouldn't be shooting off my mouth to offend. ...