
Showing posts with the label "Come Follow Me"

I Didn’t Want to Leave Zarahemla

                Throughout my blog I have created various posts about my personality, growth, and my gratitude toward the “Come Follow Me” program.  Last week Bro. Wilcox shared a lesson on “Not Leaving Zarahemla”           Metaphorically that is where I raised.   I had heard about the outside world but had no desire to be out there among the wolves.   I feel blessed that so much of what others view as temptations were not tempting.   I never wanted to do drugs, smoke, attend parties, or what have you.   I was safe in Zarahemla.   That is where I wanted to be.           I understand the need for some to leave Zarahemla in order to grow.   Unfortunately, due to poor choices, there are hardships that need to be endured.   It involves a lot of pain – not ...

You are on Your Own - Though You Don't Have to be

                 The year that the Church had come out with the “Come Follow Me” program is the same year that having three meetings at the church was cut back to two meetings and strongly suggested to continue study that third hour but at home with the family.  Richard’s calling kept him after church and so Jaime and I would come home and read the manual and watch videos together.  Read scriptures with discussion, but that tapered out.  We weren’t so diligent about studying together quite as often.           I continued to study the manual and watch videos though not as diligently as this year or even in 2022 with the Doctrine and Covenants.   Good until summer hits and slowly have gotten back on track during fall – except for the Old Testament which I wasn’t so diligent about.   But I have gotten much better this year.   I try to study each week as though I will be...

Short and Sweet

            In the Church of Jesus Christ there is a meeting in which members of the congregation are encouraged to make their way to the stand to bear their testimonies.   This meeting takes place once a month – usually the first Sunday of each month.   General Conference also falls on the first Sunday of the month and so testimony meeting gets moved to either the last week of the month prior or to the second week (depending on the ward or stake).   In the South Umpqua ward we have held testimony meeting the week prior – except this year. On March 26 we had stake conference – which is a geographical boundary made of up several wards April 1 and 2 was General Conference (which is when the meetings are broadcast world wide) April 9 Easter program Thus our testimony meeting was not until the 16 th of this month.            I recall sitting through a many of sacrament meetings as a you...