
Showing posts with the label mask mandate

Look for the Rainbows

  My first post this month and I still seem to be running on empty.  I was intrigued by my brother ’ s post (found here ) and often wish that I was as profound and gifted with words as he is.  I absolutely love his comparisons and thoughtfulness.  I recently gave a thought on light and had meant to include rainbows in my thought but had forgotten to.   It wouldn ’ t have been as good as how Steven had put it.   I suppose I could use real names now.   He isn ’ t Corey nor am I LaTiesha.   The photos I have used are pictures of how we look though our names were changed for various reasons (some of which I explain in the very first post on New Years Day 2012) The news has said that the mask mandate will lift come March 31.   I noticed many have already decided to enforce the lift as Roland and I had gone to Costco today and I saw more patrons without masks than with them.   All of the workers were wearing masks.   I didn ’ t notice...

At What Sacrifice? Or Whose?

           I recently learned that Brigham Young had told Ephraim Hanks to shave his face.   I have probably heard the story ( here ) several times but did not resonate like it does at present.   “Wear a mask”. How hard is that?   Few people enjoy being told what to do.   We all have our free agency.   Not everybody will wear a mask – or if they do, they will wear pretend masks or fail to cover both mouth and nose. Washable-Copyright-Protected/dp/B08DK461YP          Ephraim Hanks had free agency.   He didn’t have to shave.   He chose to obey the council.   It’s not that he needed to prove anything to others or even God.   He had to prove to himself that he was willing to obey.   This act played a huge role with his ability to lead others.            This article reinforces that wearing a mask is showing Christ...

Polio Had Claimed Many Lives Back in the Day

     My brother posted an 11 minute video which he labeled  as “ranting” but he had some valid points. One was that if you are purchasing a ticket to the place where he works you are agreeing to a contract to follow the rules – one being “Wear the mask”.   You DON’T have to purchase a ticket if you can’t wear the mask either by choice or because you are not medically able to.   It’s a rule.   The mask has to be worn.   The employees have to wear the mask the entire time they are at work – which is three to four times greater than those who purchase tickets.   Not a big deal.   At least it shouldn’t be. Jenna and I have a mutual acquaintance who has decided to abandon her teaching career so that she doesn't have to get the vaccination.  OHMIGOSH!! Just overcome your pride and get the damn shot already.  Students are required to have certain vaccinations before they can be accepted into school - which I guess is one reason that s...

Separating the Wheat From the Tares

          The prophet announced for church members to receive a vaccine and mask up to all of those who don ’ t have underlined health issues where a mask/vaccination would only jeopardize the underlined complications. Many who are capable of wearing masks and refuse vaccinations are upset just as there were some women upset about the revelation to stay home.  There were members finding it hard to believe black men would be able to hold the priesthood.  Each time we disagree with the prophet we are rejecting counsel from God. This act of rejection has been compared to those who shot arrows toward Samuel the Lamanite for preaching to the people a message that they didn ’ t want to hear.     Mormonad by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints            It isn ’ t just the prophet relating this message but many political leaders as well.  Several states are making it mandatory for health workers and teache...

Welcome to the Superstition of Friday the 13th

 Today is Friday the 13 th .  Mandated mask restarts today.  I would have not made the connection if Jenna hadn’t been so vocal about it. A year and a half ago (also Friday the 13 th ) we had our last day of school and were sent home for the remaining of the year.  They opened up too soon in my opinion.  Trump had bullied them and they willingly followed.  Now our kids are sick.  Our hospitals are filled up again.  Some say the pandemic is worse than last year when they sent us home. “We are a rural county” some say.   “We shouldn’t have to mask up as the larger cities do.”   Really?   Everybody in our county just stays in our county?   No traveling to Lane County?   Roland went to Lane County just the other day.   I heard that our county has the most cases and the least amount of beds.   Granted, there is only one hospital besides the VA.   We managed an RS activity last night – I would guess our last o...