
Showing posts with the label sleeping habits

Squeaky Floors, Beds, and Bathroom Trips

            Before we moved into the house we noticed that the floor squeaked.   Whenever we walked on a certain spot over the floor it sounded as though the boards were so loose that we would easily fall through the floor.   I suspect the carpet was laid down to cover a variety of flaws that should have been repaired and are still in need and will be repaired in time.   Just not now.           Before COVID  Roland did have someone come out to level the house.   He got rid of the squeak in the front room but managed to move it to our bedroom – which is worse.   At least in the front room we could walk around it but I do not have a choice in the bedroom.   It is right next to my side of the bed.           Even before I was married I had a weak bladder – meaning I could not make it through the entire night without at least one bathroom trip.   I...

My Day Thus Far

This morning I dreamed I was in an institute class.   I was about 30 years younger and single.   Many of the students in my class were elderly women.   We were challenged to display something that would remind of us the lesson. I had five posters and selfishly planned on hanging all five and would not share them. (I think I probably missed the point of the lesson) When the class ended I had gone into the hall and toward the door that would lead me out to the parking lot.   I was digging through my purse in order to find my keys.   As I was not coming up with them, I decided to sit down and rummage through my purse believing it would be easier to go through.   Rather than a college or equivalent building, the seat I had chosen next to entrance /exit doors looked more like a lobby you would find in a hospital. As I was looking through my purse a number of guys appeared to ask me why I hadn ’ t been to class.   Evidently I had signed myself up for two...

Sweet to Sleep

             I have never had the best of sleeping habits.   Ever.   According to mom, I believed I had had my fill of sleep by the time I was one.   I got to relive that with Jenna!   After turning one,   she has ALWAYS been a horrible nap taker.   I guess she gets that from me.   Patrick, on the other hand, put in enough hours of sleep for all of us.   He was great at taking naps and sleeping during the night.   My mom was neurotic.   As I had always been awake, she was not used to a baby who was gifted about sleeping.   She would often check him just to make certain he was still breathing.   Total opposites.               There are times I crash out of sheer exhaustion.   I wish it was more frequent - or rather I wish I could sleep like I'm exhausted but not feel exhausted ever - just always feel well rested.    ...