
Showing posts with the label trade-offs

Finding a New Home for the Dogs

            On December 24, 2014 my children decided to do white elephant gifts for what would be our last Christmas in Utah (only we hadn't planned for it to be our last Christmas together)   Jeanie recycled at least one gift that they had received, possibly both.                 They weren't wrapped, but left in black garbage bags, both huge.   One a bit bulkier than the other.   For some reason I was drawn to them - not knowing fully which to choose.   I settled on the flat one, figuring it was a painting of some sort.               Many people, when drawing white elephants, will allow a person to choose a wrapped gift or swipe an   unwrapped gift from somebody else.   I didn't know until later that Jenna had actually considered "stealing" the painting I had "unwrapped" but wanted the op...

Decisions and Trade-Offs

        Thus far I am enjoying my economic class.   It is the study of human behavior as far as decision making goes.   There are "luxuries" that we give up when we trade what we have for other things we want or need. Although we may not view them as luxuries at the time, we may miss certain situations while we are grateful not to have others.         Take our move from Salt Lake County, Utah to Douglas County, Oregon.   The major thing that drew us to Oregon was clean air quality vs. breathing deadly smog.   Myrtle Creek is certainly a lot smaller (population wise) than any city I had lived in within the Salt Lake City area.   There aren't as many roads or traffic or pollution.   The crime rate is definitely lower.   I'm not saying there isn't any crime here - it just doesn't seem as common.         Take the other night, for example.  ...