
Showing posts with the label parking lot

Day 2: RUSHing Headache

I believe we went to Rush Funplex directly after eating at IHOP.  Ally was so excited. I rode with her and Biff and had Claire ride with Richard and Jaime – just in case we separated.  Tony was pretty much on his own. Three kids in car seats.   When Ally saw me in the front she asked if I would ride with them.   She said she was glad I was with them because she likes me. Biff zigzagged his way to the fun center where eight of us had never been.   I don ’ t know how many pictures Jai had taken.   I know I took a couple with her phone, but not on my own.   This is pretty much how Rush made me feel: NOT taken at Rush but shows same trippiness feel And that ’ s only the visual.   I think it was the loud noise that contributed most to my headache.   I was already disoriented.   Each time we passed a sign or anything indicating the BYU logo I would think, “ That is the same sign as BYU.   Wow.   Didn ’ t think I would ever see tha...

Set Backs

Jenna starts school tomorrow and had hoped to have less hair to deal with.   I had set up an appointment for each of us to get our hair thinned out – though I wondered if it we better just to recreate the pandemic hair from last year. Because we were already out and Jenna hadn’t gotten the schedule that would supposedly be sent out by August 27 (that was the original plan anyway. Tomorrow is the first day of school and no schedule has been identified. I told Jenna we could swing by the high school to see if we could figure out the source of the problem.   Walking to the school from the street made for an interesting challenge all by itself.   This is a view of the high school parking lot: I seriously have my doubts about this being finished tonight and ready for the students who drive to school tomorrow.   COVID is the source of vacant schedules. Only the freshmen who started today have the schedules.   Still working on grades 10 – 12) After I returne...