
Showing posts with the label inconveniences

Don't Give Me My Own Space - I'll Work In Yours

            There was a time when Jaime was three and her sister Pamprin was visiting.   Pamprin laid out a coloring book so that she could color one page while Jaime colored the other – only Jaime wanted to color the same page as Pamprin.   It didn’t even matter which page.   When Pamprin switched sides or found new pictures, Jaime wanted to color the very same picture that her big sister was coloring. Pamprin reluctantly shared her space.  I think it made Jaime feel closer to her.           I was reminded of that memory this morning while working on a puzzle that Richard and I had started.   We had already rolled it up and put it away for another time.   My daughter-in-law, Claire asked if I would like to continue.   And so I set it up.   She started one side of the puzzle and I another.   After a while she abandoned her side and came to help me...

How Great the Art of Being Able to Laugh Despite the Pain of Observation

            On March 22 of this year Corey posted to his blog for the first time in two years.   Apparently it had been due to a request made when I mentioned how much I had missed reading his posts.   But that is his most recent - nothing more.   So last night he called me to relate his "Walmart" experience - although he really was not at Walmart.   It just felt like he was.   I laughed at his misfortunes.   It was nice to go to bed with a smile on my face.   But Corey does have a knack with relating experiences and telling stories and even making announcements with an entertaining flair.   So the following is a second-hand account of the things that he related to me.             First off he had to renew something - he must have mentioned it at least three times, but I failed to understand exactly what it was that he was renewing...

Division Street is Closed

My water aerobics classes had started when I was still out of town. I've gone everyday this week except today. Each member of the class including the instructor faced a new challenge yesterday. Division is getting a makeover. I don't know that it had even been worth it.   The air was cold before we got in.   The wind against our wet bodies made it feel even colder. I guess I still had time to go if I had not continued with this post, and if the road is finished, but only if I didn't have to wait for the construction workers to direct me. I was reminded of this commercial When I approached the elderly lady dressed from head to foot in fire engine yellow - almost like the government descending on Elliot's family in the movie E.T. It's a long way around and will be late for certain should I choose to go that way. Probably...