Showing posts with label scams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scams. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

May the Fleas of a Thousand Camels Infest Your Armpits!

               I HATE  scams.  I hate that criminals are preying on the weakness of others.  I keep an email account open just for junk – it’s not an account I have used often but some businesses require an email and so I give them one.  It would take me forever to wade through it if I thought there was anything serious about any of them that I would take the time to look more closely rather than scan, but since the holidays I’ve just been deleting without looking – which is kind of sad but definitely faster.

              It used to be that I could click on all in one sweep just by checking the junk box and all would be checked.  But they won’t all delete if there are red flags.  Those I have to do separately.  I get scams from hackers claiming to be Lowes, Paypal, Bank of America, Home Depot .  . .  mostly Lowes.  I have to scroll through to mark off each red flag and delete them separately from the normal junk.  QUIT LYING TO ME ALREADY!!!   It’s bad enough I have so many unwanted advertisements – let’s not throw scams on top!  ARRRRGGGG!!! 





Friday, June 25, 2021

Throwing Hands part two

             Filling out online applications is insane.  You think you are filling out the application for the site and suddenly realize that you have moved to some other site – perhaps job related as well or for a school or heaven forbid, a scam.  That’s right. 

I have three different email accounts.  One I had to open in order to create this blog account.  One I keep as a personal account.  The oldest of the three accounts I keep as a junk mail account.  I used to check it maybe once a month.  Since I’ve been job hunting I will check either daily or at least every other day.  It’s still a lot of email to go through.  I checked it only one time during the week we had family here.  After Roland had taken them to the airport I had over 200 emails to wade through.

Any site I have ever ordered from, any site connected with the schools in Utah, any job site I have ever looked at and then some are among the emails that I currently receive.  Some have posted the same position over and over.  I have applied, even interviewed and have not been hired.  

Some positions are questionable – especially all of those who appear from the woodwork that have “seen my file online” and try to sell me on “I think you would be the perfect fit”  - for telemarketing, for selling insurance – really?  You read my application?  What part of my application led you to believe that I want anything to do with soliciting product?  I have been in education.  I have an accounting degree.  I don’t wish to be a part of your trafficking's, thank you very much!

Roland gets a ton of Robo-calls.  I am so sick of criminals preying on the weaknesses of those who can’t afford to be taken in by the scams.  If you type in Jashin Insurance, for example, it will take you to the Jashin Insurance website – built for suckers who are willing to supply personal information that they should provide only after being hired by said company.  

Do NOT give your information over the phone or over the web.  Don’t provide your social security number or credit card number to anyone who calls you.  We need more honesty and trust.  There is so much skepticism due to illegal activity.  Fortunately we have a higher power than ourselves.  I will definitely turn to Him before I invest information in all these recruiting scams.  How else I’m I going to know when the legit finally comes along?

Saturday, April 28, 2018

I Don't Trust Microsoft

            It might not even be Microsoft or Windows but rather a scam - which indicates that it needs to be corrected.  Constant interruptions whenever I use the web - I used to get a warning page with white captions in red background and even voice advising to call Microsoft IMMEDIATELY!  

Roland says he gets that too, but ignores and proceeds.  His computer is for work.  I guess if he can do it, I can do it.  The other day I was researching for an assignment.  I got the message that I had been locked out of my computer and my screen went white.  In the corner was a number to call.  I reported it to Roland who said he would look at it but was taking too long for me and so I called the number to give them hell.

            I got a recording.  Could I please take a short survey while I wait.  I guess.  I don't even remember what the first question was but I answered yes.  The second had to do with medical benefits and would I like to know more.  I pressed No.  Congratulations.  "You now qualify for a cruise for you and your family.  All expenses will be paid except for 65 dollars for each person who will be going.  Press 1 to learn more."  I did not press anything.  Going on a cruise for 65 dollars sounds awesome.  Going on a cruise for 65 dollars sounds too good to be true. Going on a cruise for 65 dollars sounds like a scam.  The message repeated.  I hung up. 

            Inadvertently I hit a key that brought up more options.  I wasn't locked out of my computer!  All I had to do was choose the second option and close down the screen that had popped up - giving me the illusion that my entire screen had gone white.  I was both relieved and upset.  I am so tired of deception.