
Showing posts with the label literature

Dash #742 Continuing Education

          I remember my mom and I taking a class together on storybook literature.   Sadly, I don’t recall the name of the instructor but he was of German descent and had had exposure to cruel fairytales versus what he called “watered down” versions that seem traditional in America. I think there had been only   four classes as we met only once a week for only for four weeks – at least that is what I remember.   I don’t know if I recorded anything about it though Corey may have my mom’s version of what took place.           I remember our instructor showed us several frames taken from a graphic story.   I don’t recall there being words, but if there were, he would translate the German captions into English.   The story was on obedience and minding your elders.   Peter had been warned by several adults including mom, dad, and at least one grandparent.   They had told him not to ...